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guards are attacking NPCs for no reason...


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Just started a new game... After two in-game days of playing guards have attacked NPCs 3 times already. One of them was essential so it didn't matter but the other 2 died. If it continues at this pace I fear there won't be any citizens left in my game soon!

I know that guards can attack and kill NPCs that commit crimes, but from my experience that happens pretty rarely. Also the two NPCs that died (Hermette Cisterzio and Invoker Clair Velander from Better Cities) had responsibility 99 and 100 and that means they don't commit any crimes as far as I know. So I find it very strange they were attacked...

Any idea why?

Edited by Grogrokl
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You could also try chcking their crime gold. Setting NPCs' crime gold values (bounty?) high enough will get them attacked by guards no matter what. It is easy to set and check using scripts, so a mod might have done that for you. Open the console, select the NPC in question and then use something like that to get crime gold value:

and the following to set it to 0 if it is not

SetCrimeGold 0
And you can then resurrect them, I think. So that they should not get attacked again. Hopefully that helps a little. And indeed finding the mod responsible for it would be better than just constantly fixing what it has broken. Especially in case that fix does not work. :P Edited by PhilippePetain
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