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Help! Imperial Guards attack me on sight


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I play on XBOX.


My character is an Imperial Battlemage. He is a member of the Imperial Legion and the Imperial Cult.


Some time ago I did the quest that the Imperial Guard commander guy in Fort Moonmoth gives you, the one where you have to kill the Cammona Tong people in the Corner Club in Balmora. I killed those people as asked but I accidentally ended up with a bounty of 5000+. I used Divine Intervention to get back to Fort Moonmoth and when I landed I was attacked by one of the guards. I ignored him and ran into the fort. The guy who gave me the quest removed all my bounty so I thought, "problem solved".


Nope! When I left the fort the guard that was after me before was still there and he still attacked me. So I killed him. I did not get any bounty and none of the other guards joined in, so I thought "problem solved".


Nope! When I next went to Pelagiad, one of the guards in the street attacked me for no reason. Only one guard attacked me. The same thing happened when I went to Caldera and Ebonheart: one guard and only one guard decided that he wanted to kill me. At this point I could have reloaded an old save game and repeated the quest without getting the bounty, but I do not really like doing things over if I make a mistake, unless the mistake ruins the main quest or makes the game unplayable. Besides, although the guards respawn and they are not easy fights, the number of guards that attacked me was so small that I decided I could live with their hatred of me.


Unfortunately, all this changed when I bought the Xbox GotY edition. Now, EVERY Imperial Guard hates me and tries to kill me on sight. This makes travel in the imperial towns very difficult. I have not been to Solshiem, but I suspect that Imperials there will also attack me. All this is made much worse by the fact that my character is meant to be very pro-empire - these people are supposed to be his friends.


Does anyone know how to end this problem? Remember I am on Xbox so I cannot do any console commands or TECS changes. My character has NO bounty, and these guards do not offer me the option to surrender, pay a fine or go to jail. I tried using charm humanoid and calm humanoid spells, but they only solve the problem temporarily and it is hard to cast them when three guards attack at once.



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Argh. *Curses XBox* Ok there's nothing you can do without the console. So basically, you're screwed! :( They really should have included a console with the XBox version...


Anyway if you get no bounty for killing them, just kill them. It may not fit in with your roleplaying agenda but I'm afraid there's nothing you can do.


The moral of this story: Get the PC version!

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Same happens to me with my Xbox...well do this


Make sure THEY attack you FIRST...no viseversa, that way you wont get charged...than once they hit you, kill them, just use a glass jinxblade or something

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:blink: Goood grief!!! Maybe you should report a bug to bethesda... but still ain't no patches for you then!


Have you ever considered starting a new pro-imperial character?


Make this one you have a pro-temple, ordinators will certainly like imperial guards' "defalcators".

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Well thanks for the replies.


I already have the PC version, and I already play a character that hates the empire on the PC version, but that doesn't really help me fix a problem with a pro-Imperial character on the Xbox.


I guess I will have to live with it. Perhaps I can make an area of effect calm humanoid or something.


Out of interest, how would you fix this if it were the PC version? Is there some kill on sight flag you would reset or is it just a matter of changing the AI of the guards (i.e. lowering their "fight" number and increasing their "disposition")? I ask because there is nothing I can do about a flag on Xbox, but there is something I can do to change AI.

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  • 1 year later...
well heres a story. I'm playing morrowind and complete the quest the guy from fort moonmoth gives you where you kill the commona tong guys then i swear its so wierd... exactly the story from above happened to me. i got attacked, ignored it, got bounty cleared by guy when finishing quest, though problem solved, left, guard attacks, guard dies, imperials from other towns attack but no other guard types. but the good news is, i just saved a bunch of money... no, joking, good news is i am on pc so i hope i will be able to fix without something lame like turning off ai except when away from imperials or something. that would be lame. anyways i turned off morrowind, opened google search for "guards attack me", on a complete random hunch, clicked on the second thing, and saw this, signed up for the site and what do you know? here i am so i need to know some decent fixes</runon>
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