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The Beautiful Genie of the Lamp + Portable Home Mod


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  • 8 months later...

Excuse me for the necrobump, I just remembered that I made this request and I just googled it out of curiosity. Google is showing me a link to a mod called Genie in the Bottle on nexus but the author hasn't made it public yet, is that supposed to be a placeholder for this mod idea?

Edited by Aromov
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Yes, it is placeholder, and the mod project itself is also trotting along nicely. I have not had much time to work on it lately, but Striker has given me a nice small quest layout to actually get the bottle, Tamira has converted a static genie bottle by Stroti into a havoked one, and I have gathered the necessary resources for the bottle interior. The clothing for the genie still needs to be picked, but other than that, all that remains is to put it all together. I actually have a small round bottle interior done, but I think I need to make it a bit larger, since after adding in the necessary furniture, it turned out to be a bit too small. :P


I hope to finish it before Christmas, as it is not all that much work. But I dare not give a release date, because they apparently do not work at all for a hobby like this. :laugh:


Thank you for the idea, it is slowly turning into a mod - but only because I also happened to like the idea of a portable bottle home. Now if I only managed to make the genie "beautiful"... not my bravoure. At least there will be a genie and a bottle. :thumbsup:

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Yes, it is placeholder, and the mod project itself is also trotting along nicely. I have not had much time to work on it lately, but Striker has given me a nice small quest layout to actually get the bottle, Tamira has converted a static genie bottle by Stroti into a havoked one, and I have gathered the necessary resources for the bottle interior. The clothing for the genie still needs to be picked, but other than that, all that remains is to put it all together. I actually have a small round bottle interior done, but I think I need to make it a bit larger, since after adding in the necessary furniture, it turned out to be a bit too small. :tongue:


I hope to finish it before Christmas, as it is not all that much work. But I dare not give a release date, because they apparently do not work at all for a hobby like this. :laugh:


Thank you for the idea, it is slowly turning into a mod - but only because I also happened to like the idea of a portable bottle home. Now if I only managed to make the genie "beautiful"... not my bravoure. At least there will be a genie and a bottle. :thumbsup:

And thank all of you for taking the time to make it.

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When summer is done I can have a go at a beautiful Genie Contra. I could also ask my daughter if she'd be interested in voice acting the Genie if you want (she's an experienced actor, but hasn't done any game work that I know of).
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Thank you, Striker, but I think it would be a bit too excessive, to ask someone to do voice acting. I would rather not bother anyone that much, it is not really worth it, I think. Text dialogue will do. And it does feel a bit... well... unethical to have someone record his/her voice for a tiny project like this. Me sitting on my PC doing something I like for a hobby is fine, though. Which is why silent dialogue would make me feel better, too. :smile:


You can, however, make the genie's face if you want. I can send you an .esp file with the base genie, you can work on the face, and I can then copy it from your working plugin to the actual one with TES4Edit. Or the CSE. Whichever works better. Somehow I always manage to make NPCs that look like they came from outer space, with their artificial human face masks not sitting on their head well enough. :laugh:


Edit: Also, I have so many mods with no voice acting at all, that bothering someone about voice acting this one is not really necessary "in the grand scheme o' things", either, I think. For example my Battlehorn Castle mod has quite a few actors with lots of silent lines, and the new version will add even more of those. :thumbsup:

Edited by Contrathetix
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The face will probably be even simpler than that to transfer. I used Wrye Bash and a save after I was done tweaking and adjusting my own character's face in the CS. I'd just do the same for the genie. I have a number of mods and a save that IkeCoast gave me that can serve as starting points and emailed screenshots will work for the initial stages of selecting the candidate.


Just a matter of waiting until I get back home.

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Take all the time you need, summer is only one a year. :thumbsup:


And the project is still not playable at all, so no need to worry about delaying the progress, either. I have been thinking... any ideas as to the interior of the bottle? The current one is something that looks more like a castle room. Should it be, instead, a garden, with open sky, and some fog, with a few plants here and there? Something a bit like the gardens in Auridon, if someone reading this has also played ESO. :P


So... how would that add up? A magic bottle with a garden inside, and the sky? Having a closed bottle feels so depressing already after a little testing.

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Hmm, my idea won't help that closed in feeling. I was picturing huge cushions to recline on (a sort of Arabian Nights thing). Maybe a central courtyard/garden ... don't know how big a structure could still be somewhat believable.


I don't tend to spend more time than needed in any of my homes, just enough to store stuff, eat, sleep, maybe chase some of "my girls" around for a bit (even after spending all that time and energy into creating varied AI "lives" for my house girls they quickly revert to "background eyecandy").

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