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ashes of apocalypes / desert region 2 install help.


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anyone here familliar with this game? im having issues with npcs mutiplying and not figure why.

im running on win 10 in win7 compatability mode so not crashing the game any more.

there are atleast a dozen or so plugins that (i think) need to be installed before playing desert region ver-4.0/4.1

any help on what should be and what not to install would really be great if it stops the multipling of all of the games npcs!


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anyone here familliar with this game? im having issues with npcs mutiplying and not figure why.

im running on win 10 in win7 compatability mode so not crashing the game any more.

there are atleast a dozen or so plugins that (i think) need to be installed before playing desert region ver-4.0/4.1

any help on what should be and what not to install would really be great if it stops the multipling of all of the games npcs!


Developer of the mods here. :)


To install Ashes of Apocalypse and Desert Region 2, it needs to be installed into a separate folder to Morrowind. There are no multiple NPCs from my end.


Desert Region 1, however, is in a bad condition and only worth it to understand some parts of the story in Desert Region 2. Until I fix it up, I stand by this.


But if you want to go through it for the novelty, I'd suggest to download Sea of Destiny for all the assets but that wouldn't fix any multiplying issues you may have.

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hey there)

thanks for your responce. i been busy so just seeing this post. basically i deleted everything because it did a melt down/ctd on me!

i dont mind starting from scratch as i have plenty of exp with doing it for mw)

what i want to know is how many plugins/.esp etc are there? what order should i install them?

i got every thing that lonebullet has i think. but they are missing or have vague readmes.

hope i made sense and thanks for the info on sea of destiny i didnt know about that.

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hey there)

thanks for your responce. i been busy so just seeing this post. basically i deleted everything because it did a melt down/ctd on me!

i dont mind starting from scratch as i have plenty of exp with doing it for mw)

what i want to know is how many plugins/.esp etc are there? what order should i install them?

i got every thing that lonebullet has i think. but they are missing or have vague readmes.

hope i made sense and thanks for the info on sea of destiny i didnt know about that.


Do you want Desert Region 1 or 2?


For Desert Region 1:


1). Go here (http://www.moddb.com/mods/desert-region) and install Final Sector plus the patch.

2). Install Sea of Destiny for the remaining assets.

3). Enable all of the Desert Region files, but you don't need to enable Sea of Destiny if you don't want to.


Bear in mind that you can turn the 9 ESMs into ESPs using Enchanted Editor and merge them into one file using the CS. IMO it's best to wait for the inevitable remake to make it as stable as Desert Region 2. I'll get onto it once I finish City of Balmora.


For Desert Region 2:


1). Go here (http://www.moddb.com/mods/desert-region-2-the-final-frontier) and install the one file to any directory except your Morrowind directory.

2). Install MGE XE and the MCP for a better experience.

3). Enjoy.


This is far more stable than Desert Region 1, but has a larger file size and if you're not a big fan of post-apocalyptic and cyber-punk worlds, it's not for you. Once OpenMW implements worldspaces, I will make an integration mod to reduce the file size and get it onto the Nexus.

Edited by EnvyDeveloper
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