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Talon company behaviour change


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I'd like to request a mod in which the Talon Company's bevahiour changes, from what it is at present (hostile to everyone for no real reason, more or less), to being neutral most of the time to most people including the player and only becoming hostile once the player (and any NPC's) get all 'goody goody' and thus get a bounty on their heads. Thus we can see them doing their 'thing' (going after people that have bounties on their heads) without bothering anyone who hasn't got a bounty on their heads.


I mean, if they are mercenaries and not just slavers or raiders, then they won't waste their time on 'non-contract' jobs, would they?



Is there a similar mercenary company which goes after players and npc's who have gone 'too bad' and thus get a bounty on their heads? If so, then this mod should also work in the same on them.

Edited by seany65
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