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three mods id like to get made(should be quick and easy)


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first off i dont know a thing about moding so i dont know if any of this can be done. however for someone who knows just a little bit im sure you can at least tackle the first one.


can the look of the winter combat armor in this mod be made into the normal look for all combat armor tenpenny rielys talon reg you know all of them. im pretty sure the person who made this is not active so you can give credit and do this fix up.



can a mod be made to remove the player only effect on weapons


weapons with this are jigwes sword microwave emitter and a handful of others i cant think of off the top of my head but just those two are a big deal. the sword is great for clover and the player would be hard pressed to use the microwave gun as it takes up the whole screen and is otherwise a pain in the rear to use.


can a mod be made to make all gear not break all i have found is one that can make weapons break 95% slower tho it seems to not work on some guns while making others like laser riffle not break from full cnd from start to finish of the game(a long time).

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can the look of the winter combat armor in this mod be made into the normal look for all combat armor tenpenny rielys talon reg you know all of them. im pretty sure the person who made this is not active so you can give credit and do this fix up.


no we cant, we need the creators permission to alter their mods.

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it says right there on the page Meshes were modifed from the default FO3 mesh. Free to use or re-use. i think that is saying you can use this stuff. as far as the other two how hard would something like that be just so i know.

Edited by ZETA6
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it says right there on the page Meshes were modifed from the default FO3 mesh. Free to use or re-use. i think that is saying you can use this stuff. as far as the other two how hard would something like that be just so i know.

my apologies missed that... weird i dont see how i missed it... whatever.



can a mod be made to remove the player only effect on weapons

the two mentioned sound like glitches. anyways i dont know of a mod but i know of a glitch that keeps everything from the simulation all of which can be used by followers:



Keeping all weapons, armour etc from the Simulation

To set this glitch up, the player needs to talk to Protector McGraw and then to Specialist Olin to

get the Neural Interface Suit. After you equip the suit, do not enter the simulation pod yet.


- Go into the locked room where Gary 23 is and then drag his body back into the pod room. Lift his

body into the pod in a way that his body will be in front of you when you sit down. Make sure that it

is close enough to search him. Once you sit down, it will not say you can search him so you are

going to have to guess (try practicing where there is a chair). Also make sure his body is all the way

in so it does not move when the pod closes.


- Enter the simulation and play through to Paving the Way. From this point on everything in your inventory will

be taken out of the simulation, so remember to get your weapons package and Guass Rifle from the

Quartermaster and to pick up all the ammo found along the way. Continue playing up to Operation: Anchorage



- Play through the quest, disabling the pulse field and make your way to the doors of the Chinese Compound.

At this point make sure you have a save before going in. Once you enter, pick the speech option 'I'm

going to kill you SO MUCH'. Shoot the Shock Sword out of General Jingwei's hand. Pick up the Shock Sword

and then kill him. Make sure you are not in the southern end of the compound because General Chase may

catch you in a speech and send you back to the Outpost without making another save. As soon as you kill

General Jingwei, run North toward the Chinese Soldiers and turn around to find where General Chase is and

then make another save (you can overwrite your last save if you want).


- Now talk to General Chase and he will send you back to the Outpost (remember how you positioned

the Gary 23's body in step 1) During the loading screen start to press A (search button) rapidly. If done

properly, you will be able to search his body (normally happens in the black screen, but not always) and

at this point put all your items on his body. Exit, talk to Protector McGraw, and then search Gary 23's

body to retrieve your weapons from the simulation.




for simply changing the affect:

-open the GECK

-find the item you're looking for

-double click the name

-a new window should now open, i belive there should be a box with 'player only' checked. you just need to uncheck it.



can a mod be made to make all gear not break all i have found is one that can make weapons break 95% slower tho it seems to not work on some guns while making others like laser riffle not break from full cnd from start to finish of the game(a long time).

yes... it'll take a while to do so as you have to change the affect for every single item in the game.

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microwave gun is from point lookout dlc i forgot you can take the sword from the sim so ill do that but these are not glitches ill get to work fiddling with all the item property's not sure why nobody has done this if its that simple thanks for the help.

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ill get to work fiddling with all the item property's not sure why nobody has done this if its that simple thanks for the help.

to be honest altering stats for stuff in game is the easiest modding task. the only difficult part is keeping things balanced. i went through and quadrupled all the damage in FONV and altered the armor ratings of most of the armor in the game. such as making simple cloth armor weak and causing people equipped with it to die after about 5 shots from a nine millimeter but someone wearing power armor is practically impervious to most hand guns.

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