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Steam and OBSE issues


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Back when I had the retail of Oblivion I was able to play the game with an extensive amount of mods with no problem. Lately however I've been trying to get the Steam version to play nice with OBSE and I've had absolutely no luck. After multiple attempts at doing a fresh install I decided to test it out with nothing but OBSE installed and I was met with a CTD as soon as the Bethesda logo at the beginning disappeared. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




As you can see I have the files in my Oblivion folder as the OBSE readme says.




Steam overlay is on, check. So everything should be good according to the readme and multiple other people. But when I start the game this is what I'm met with.



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Windows 7. When I tried to run it in compatibility mode for XP it would just keep starting the launcher over and over again every time I hit "Play" on it.

Also I'm running the Steam version, the Ultimate one with all the DLC packs, got it from the Anthology. The game is up to date.

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recheck file integrity of local files in steam, you might even have a bad copy of OBSE too, it happens, but that screen shot clearly shows an argument with the graphics card. desktop window manager.

steam or not, the patches apply.

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I remember with the retail version the latest patch was what the GOTY edition was on.

pretty much what you already told me "Ultimate" ?


you can't run the game now so there is no harm in attempting the patch, let IT do it's job and see, I'll be here.

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OBSE provides official support for:

Oblivion & Shivering Isles build This is the latest official build of Oblivion. It provides fixes for the FormID problems and supports Shivering Isles. All users will need to update to this build in order to use OBSE v0017 and later.

Steam build (in v0017b)

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Your Windows Explorer screenshot shows the Oblivion folder contents but you also need the obse.ini file to be in Oblivion\Data\OBSE (so full path is Oblivion\Data\OBSE\obse.ini).


- Edit - Looks to me going by file size you have obse.ini in your Oblivion folder (see that file named obse that's labeled as a 1 KB text document). The is no file named just obse in the download that is supposed to go there. To fix things simply right mouse click on the Data folder from the extracted download and select Copy from the right click menu. In Windows Explorer navigate to your game's Oblivion folder and right click Oblivion and select Paste. If you do not get a Windows warning about there is already a folder named Data you are pasting in the wrong folder.


To confirm that OBSE is working start the game and make a save. If OBSE is working you will see two saves named the same ... e.g MySave07.ess plus MySave07.obse in your Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder.

Edited by Striker879
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