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My Horsey ;_;


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I though something like that happened to me once... Right after I bought KOTN, I had her in horse armor and I was getting those cogs for that new quest. We were attacked by bandits of course. When they hit her, she kinda turned green (like when you give someone a magic effect). Right after that she turned invisible... I could still hear her and the bandits were attacking the air where she used to be standing. I think they subdued her although I don't remember getting the message. Anyway, after killing the bandits, she was nowhere to be found. She no longer came with me when I fast traveled.


A while later, after a lot of adventuring, I came to the spot where I lost her. I was surprised to find her killing the respawned bandits! This problem is different I guess, but I thought I'd share that anyway hoping it would be of use to someone out there...


We did turn invisible another time during a lightning storm. I was looking for one of the wayshrines and lightning flashed. Then all we were was a shadow... I guess that was a glitch seeing as how I was on her and we both became invisible... Idk what that was about but it must have had something to do with light. I was was also sunny that day when we killed those bandits... Hm :mellow:

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