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Help with my Load Order


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Your load order isn't that bad. I think you should go back to the FWE mod page and read the load order sample they have there. Also, do the same at the Fellout page. Also, use only one optional restore tracers.


When you installed the mods, did you add them one at a time and check in the game to see that they are working? Or did you just throw a bunch into the game and hope for the best?


Visit Blackened: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18173/? for compatibility patches.

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" I dont know what you mean with restore tracer sorry for that."


You have FO3 Wanderer's Edition - Optional Restore Tracers and FO3 Wanderer's Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (Automatics only). Don't you think these will conflict with each other?


You cannot add a bunch of mods to the game and run it. You need to make a save, add a mod and check in the game to see that everything works. Then add another and so on, checking in the game each time a mod is added.

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You are not reading the mod pages. There is a lot if important information that the mod authors have posted there.


Move DarNified UIF3 up so that it loads after EVE.esm.


I don't know if you are using the correct Mart's Mutant Mod or just didn't understand the instructions on the Paradox Ignition or Blackened pages.


Go to the FWE page and read the load order supplied and make your corrections.


Did the game ever run without mods?

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Here's the thing. You still do not understand how to use the Blackened patch. It will only work with the Paradox Ignition version of Mart's Mutant Mod.


You need to have Mart's Mutant Mod installed, like you do. Now, download the Paradox Ignition version: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/16787/? Uncheck all the Mart's Mutant Mod .esm and .esp in FOMM.


Open your Fallout 3/Data folder, right click on the Mart's Mutant Mod files and delete them. Yes, all of them.


Install Paradox Ignition Mart's Mutant Mod Merged. Activate the Mart's Mutant Mod.esm in FOMM. Toggle Archive Invalidation.


Now, the FO3 Wanderer's Edition plugins are still not in the correct order. After FO3 Wanderer's Edition - Main File.esp should be the DLC plugins in the same order as the base game.


Go to this page: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/2761/? and scroll down the page to this:


FWE Master Release - Recommended Load Order

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So i did what u said but it still crashes at the same point.

You have another problem that is not related to your load order. I am using around 100 more mods than you have and my game is stable.


You do not have that many mods that the game should not load and play.


Uncheck all you mods and see if the game will start. If it does, exit the game and add your mods back, starting with Unofficial patch. If the game starts and runs, exit the game and add another mod. Do this until you have the problem again.


The last file you added will be the one causing the problem, then you can work on finding what is causing the crash.


Did you install the DarNifiedUIF3 hotfix? Did you install the FWE hotfix patch? Did you install the DarnUI support for FWE? Did you install FOSE?

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