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Simple and Plain Player Home Request


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I'm an old retired guy, having a great deal of difficulty with the Skyrim Creation Kit. Sometimes it doesn't even want to start and I have to jump through hoops to get it running again. Would some kind soul be willing to create a very simple and basic player home for me?


I would like the home to be built in the Whiterun or Riften styles, and include a walled courtyard. I would prefer two floors but one would do. The home would have no furniture or decorations whatsoever; just floor, walls, and ceiling (and a few interior doors). I can furnish it in-game with a couple utilities (Jaxonz are wonderful). Why? Because all of the game's homes, custom homes, and home building mods I've found have features I find irritating or lack features I want. Some of the mods would be very acceptable if they didn't start with cobwebs and clutter and the only way to remove them is to install the mod's furnishings.


Please don't tell me to just learn to use the Creation Kit myself; I've tried, and found it very frustrating. I envy people who can whip out nifty mods--for any game--and make it look easy. I honestly don't expect anyone to take up this challenge but it never hurts to ask.


To those that reply to this message:

Thank you very much

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That would be rather easy - if you are the only one who uses this house. It has to be navmeshed, according to an empty house. As soon as you add objects like furniture or planters (interior or exterior) NPC like followers will try to walk through these objects. Usually the navmesh is made as the last thing, once a house is fully furnished and cluttered.



If you want such a house, just tell where you want it and give a description how it should look like, inside and outside.

Edited by Tamira
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Sorry, I didn't expect replies so quickly. I'm not so concerned with navmesh; if Throthgar wants to spend the night trying to walk through a table while I'm sleeping, I really don't care. I mostly use followers just as pack animals, anyhow. So, this is what I want the house to look like:

No furniture, plants, decorations at all; an empty house I can furnish in-game. Exterior--Whiterun style, walls and fences looking new, not old, cracked, and falling apart. Interior--Whiterun style, prefer bedrooms in Riften style (depending on amount of work Modder is willing to do.)

All rooms and courtyard should be spacious but not cavernous. Big enough for their purpose without being cramped, but not an echo chamber. Ambient lighting dim enough that candles and lanterns make a difference (can it be made darker at night and brighter in day?)

I'm not specifying dimensions because they're not critical; as long as the room is big enough to fit the stuff I want in it. (Does the Creation Kit even measure things in feet or meters?)

Front door opens to the Main Hall; or optionally to a small foyer; big enough for a wardrobe, a couple crates, and room to store boots. Archway (no door) to Main Hall.

Main Hall--Imagine a banquet for 20 guests, with aisles for servants to walk about the tables. About that size.

Kitchen--sized for a fireplace, 6 cupboards, and a table seating 4.

Master Bedroom--sized for a double bed, plus room for 2 wardrobes, 2 chairs, and 2 dressers.

Followers Bedroom--will contain 6 single beds, 6 chests, 6 chairs, with room to walk around.

Crafting Room--will contain enchanting and alchemy stations, 4 cupboards, table with 2 seats.

General purpose room--about the same size as the Crafting Room.

Trophy Room--this is the only room I would like furnished, because I have difficulty with placing mannequins in-game using mods. The room will contain 10 mannequins, 10 weapon plaques, 10 shield plaques, and 16-20 weapon racks. It will also be large enough to place a desk & chair and 2 bookshelves.

Courtyard--This will contain a full-size forge, smelter, weapon and armor stations, about 6 large chests, a picnic table, and room for some bushes and trees. No gate to the outside world.

Ideally, the courtyard will be placed off the main hall with the door close to the crafting room door or off the crafting room itself. If it's too much trouble to place 2 exterior doors, the courtyard can be at the front of the house, with a gate from the outside world and an exterior door to the main hall.

My general intention is to have indoor and outdoor crafting areas in close proximity, with other rooms opening off the main hall. The size and shape of the main hall adjusted to fit.

Location: North of Whiterun and Bleakwind Basin, south of Volunruud, west of Whitewatch Tower; that general area. Not too close to bandit enclaves.

It probably needs a name. Not real important; Dovakin Home, Hayashi's Hideout, Silent Hill, Ravenholm, whatever.

My thanks in advance if someone makes this. I hope my description is adequate and not confusing. If you want a floor plan I can make a sketch.


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If there is no nav mesh inside then the followers can't enter the place. Or they can get trapped in the doorway making it imposible to get past as they don't know where to move even if you bump and nudge them. Or they can clip into an object and get stuck or fall though the world and die unless there set to not be able to die, in that case theyd fall into the void and be lost forever.


So yeah there are a lot of draw backs to not nav meshing a place.. it's not so much followers trying to walk into stuff, they will clip into things and a lot of messyness can happen.


I've had a follower clip though a table due to bad nav meshing and start to distort and streach before flipping out and dieing from impact damage. Not fun.

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