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Everything posted by Taiine

  1. I believe Odin Architect adds a peaceable chain. Clutter may also have some bits and bobs but don't quote me on that.
  2. I hate to say this but you are going to have a real issue with the whole 'make changes in existing mods' part. No respected modder is going to be willing to go in and edit a mod made by someone else. Most modders (or all that I've seen) state in permissions your not allowed to edit and/or repost their mods.
  3. Note: The AllTameable mod already kinda does this. But is it very buggy and sort of uses its own method for duping the tames vs them really breeding, as in as long as the creature is 'happy' a dupe is spawned meaning you can dupe with a single creature. It's meant for normal non-tameables to well, be tamed and breed, and bugs out when you use to to edit boars/wolves. That said. I'd like to request a mod that lets us edit the max limit of wolves/boars in an area that can breed. ATM you can only have 4 in a 5x5 area before they stop breeding. I'd like to be able to edit this to increase it so I don't need to do all these tricks you see on youtube like raise them up high in the air and drop them into a pit sort of thing. That is... pretty much it... could go full circle and also edit grow-up time, pregnancy chance, and birth rate like the above mod also does... but I personally just would like to boost how many animals I can have in an area without doing some silly trick to make it happen.
  4. Because I'm having trouble and wasn't sure at what part I was messing up?! I Thus I chose to give you everything I had done to see if I'm overlooking something vs asking then later being ask 'what did you do'? I clearly started at the start I was having issues getting the quest to not show the first objective if you already finished the 2nd, or last one. I don't know -how- to make the quest run once. The script added to the book just sets stage to 0. There's nothing in it to tell it run once.. and even if it ran once, if the first stage never was ran, wont it still run it? Thus why I gave the mod to poke at, and why I wrote down the quest stages and what all I did. Cause I don't know -what part of it I am messing up on- or -what part i need to change to make it work-. I never freaking messed with quests before and my basic coding logic seems to go out the door with this. As is the other guys telling me. 'oh starting a stage is seen as finishing it, even though you haven't finished it but starting it.' Setting the stage to 10 and finishing the first objective would in my mind mean stage 0 is finished, 10 is starting.. so you check if 0 is finished. and I keep reading quests never go backwards in stages. But mine is. It isn't so much restarting, it's displaying the first part of the quest you skipped if you pick the note up for the first time after you have already finished the rest of the quest. I mean I only have existing quests to go by, and looking through how they are doing things with no guide to really grasp how they are doing it, but if its working the way they have it then? Sorry for being that idiot who thought to get a beginners idea of quests to do something very simple, but ends up being something I've struggled with for close to two months now. Two months of people telling me 'oh you don't need a quest, screw immersion! or 'just goggle it' or 'just sit through tutorial videos that run over an hour in hope they may have an answer to your issue'. Or 'go to the wiki even though you really don't know what your looking for and the tutorial there isn't anything at all like what you're trying to do." Sorry that I'm stuck and thought giving as much info to what I tried to do would help find what I am doing wrong. -.-
  5. Most likely you should have been fine with if (GetStageDone(10)) Playtest it using console command sqs to confirm you are handling your quest stages as you intented. 10? But it's stage 0 that gets finished, stage 10 is just starting? The stages are working fine. I've tested this quest a number of times, it's just if you skip the first part, going back readd's the quest. So if yiou already did B and C, finishing it, A will restart it and welp.. no getting rid of it sense you already finished it. Why I wanted the note bto do nothing, or to just disable. But it's not disableing.
  6. I'm using SetActive() as that makes the quest active when you pick it up. Plus well.. the conditions have taken place for it. If there not added no quest marker at all shows up. I personally don't care to be given an objective in a quest and not have anything to show for it. As you said, they can turn it off if they want. The post I gave also does show my stage/objective values, the two stages 0 and 10, the three stages and their numbers. All my stuff in the mod is also labled with TIB for easy finding. I also don't see a need for custom scrips for this. This same kind of stage skipping and object disableing happens in the default game, but I can't sort out how to do it myself. Even seen stuff like if (!GetStageDone(20)) SetObjectiveCompleted(10, 1) endif I would think something like that would work, but I don't have a clue how to set it up proper, as said I tried something like that before, but have no idea how to set it so the note does nothing. Everything I tried failed and still tried to start the quest when picked up. Like from the quest in the CK Flavor001, in stage 200 I found ;Disable the quest item if the player never accepted the quest If GetStageDone(10) == 0 Alias_QuestItem.GetRef().Disable() EndIf that is where I got that bit from and thought it would work fine with disableing my note if the first stage was set to finished... but again it's not doing such. In quest MS14 I also see Alias_Helgi.GetReference().Disable() on stage 60. So I'm hoping I'm on the right track with using such a line to try and make my note bdisabled. But why isn't it being disabled? How am I doing it wrong?
  7. Okay I need some quest making help. I have a very basic quest that plays out like this: A. You find a dropped note hinting at a location, you get quest to go to said location B. You go to said location, find a bandit outside, quest advances to now go inside the location and clear out the rest of the bandits. C. You clear the bandits, quest is done. Now this whole thing works out just fine, if you go from A,B,C. However I am having trouble setting it up to still work if started from B. (you can't progress to C with out going through B) I wanted to make it that if you went to B first, than A would do nothing. However I couldn't find away to do that, I tried a if (GetStageDone(0)) ;do nothing Else SetActive() SetObjectiveDisplayed(0) EndIf Though I couldn't really find away to make the note well... do nothing and just be a normal note. So even if you went to B first, or finished C, A would still try and start the quest. So after a few weeks of scanning through existing quests and watching hours of quest tutorials and not finding an answer I settled to just disable the note if you go to B, so it just don't exist anymore. But now my issue is it isn't disableing. So here is what I have: Three quest Aliases: One for the starting quest note - pointing at the note for refrence One for a trigger box at the location - pointing at the trigger box for refence One for the bandit leader inside. - pointing at yep.. the bandit npc. Two objectives: 0 - Go to location - Pointed to Location Aliases 10 - Kill bandit boss. - Pointed to bandit Aliases. Three stages: 0 - Triggered when notes picked up: Quest start SetActive() SetObjectiveDisplayed(0) 10 - Triggerd from trigger box when crossed at location: Location found, kill bandit leader If GetStageDone(0) == 0 Alias_TGQuestNote01.GetRef().Disable() --- Points to Starting note Aliases with Aliases Name: TGQuestNote01 EndIf SetObjectiveCompleted(0) SetActive() --- this one is if you go right to the trigger. with out the quest starts but isn't made active, thus no quest marker SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) Trigger box at location when crossed sets stage to 10. The above should disable the note if you cross the trigger. It don't. 20 - Triggers on bandit death: Quest finished. Compleat Quest Checked I don't know what I am doing wrong. Given that most of what I am doing in this quest is based of what I seen done in others, I can only assume I am grasping things but it seems like I'm not. I'm pondering if GetRef().Disable() only works if you are in the same cell as the object, as a test cell I made with everything in one place does indeed disable the note. But here it isn't? If anyone wants to give this a good hearty look at here you go: -removed, no point keeping something up if it's just going to 'waste peoples times with this crap"- The starting quest item (A) is a note found in Riften by Brynjolf's stall in the market. You can go right to the cave (B) with: coc aaowlrockext (turn to your right and you'll be at it) Bonus help: If anyone can tell me why the bookcase by the alch station is allowing you to pick up books placed with out going through the bookcase trigger I would be greatful. It seems to be ignoring the collossion box placed in front even if I make it huge, even moving the trigger to cover the whole front isn't helping. The other bookcase I made in there is working fine. Never had this issue before making bookcases.
  8. *facepalm* omg I am such a full blown idiot. I thought you just had to not be in the cell. I wasn't aware you had to be like, in a world space for a time for it to kick in! That fully fixed my issue, they now despawn proper with no issue. Most the stuff I found that had anythong on the cells just stated you need to leave it. That just. wow I feel like a doofus. Thanks for the help and putting up with my idiocy!
  9. The { } is just a comment that is supposed to be a tool tip comment for the CK when highlighting the property in the property window, but I guess it only works if the comment is entered when creating the script from scratch inside the CK. You can delete the comment line. Do you have any messages in the papyrus log when testing this scenario? Are your bandits tied to an enable parent? If so, disable won't work and that might explain a lot. The NPC in question isn't tied to a single thing. They are really just a newly made npc with no ai packates or nada outside being a cowerd to make it easyer to kill them. https://www.dropbox.com/s/c88qpg418prne5b/TIB%20-%20QuestTesting.esp?dl=0 Is the test bits I been working with and the npc I'm poking. coc aaquesttest it has two cells, one main room where I been testing the start of my location quest, and the other with the npc and location objective. Yes they are two ceels, not one cel with two rooms. Given that not a singl;e thing has worked on the npc, I'm sure I am just not adding it right, or some other force is in effect.
  10. The DisableMe_IAmDead compiled just fine, but it still don't seem to work. http://i.imgur.com/aH0wajA.png Killed, left cell. waited an in game week, came back... body stil where it was left. and yes I am leaving the cell, not just going to another space with in the same cell. Tried adding it to the actor, the refrence in the cell, and even both at the same time. I don't get what I am doing wrong, or if the scrips just arn't working in general. The TeleportAndDisableMe_IAmDead script wont let me load as it says invalid doc strings from the { } marks.. unsure if that is just a comment or what not or if I was to do something with it. ...good news is I found a means to make a basic 'go to location' quest (or rather a trigger).. on picking up a note... it's adding a means that if the area was already found (or trigger crossed) the quest wouldn't start. @.x one step forward, several steps back. Here I thought I was going to have a very basic and simple thing.. and it turns into an ongoing hastle. I do appreciate the help though. far more then I've gotten elsewhere.
  11. The NPC's I'm using are unique, made from scratch. There's no quest tied to them, and they use no template, though I'd have liked them to for lved reasons.. but I hear scrips can cause issues with lved lists. I've thought of adding a quest to kill them, but it's one part of the CK I haven't been able to really understand even with tutorials.. thus I wanted a script that would just remove them, and only have a simple 'go to location' thing, or make the marker for the place be added to your map on reading a note... but I've not found -anything- on any such and I can't recall quests that do it to check how it's done. The move to may be worth a shot, but that isn't something I know how to really script. The move to would also have to be when the cel reloads if there dead, as I don't want them to just instantly poof once you kill them. Ugh, why is it the most simple of ideas end up being super complex?
  12. I need some help. I'm trying to make it so a custom location's marker gets added to your map after you read a note. I've hunted for tutorials for this but I haven't found any information on how this is done. Most tutorials I find that have to do with quests are always 'go kill someone' or 'go pick up an item'. A step by step would be nice as quests are my weak link right now, though something I am trying to learn. I know how to attach a quest to a book/note, but past that I've not been able to get any 'add location to map' to work.
  13. There is the stock script: WIDeadBodyCleanupScript which is to be attached to UNIQUE actors. I'm not sure about non-unique actors. Quests are not my strong point either, I'll let someone else answer that. I've never gotten that script to work for me. It is set on a unique actor, however even setting it to 1 day the npcs exist forever. I've waited as long as a month and the bodies still linger.. and yes I am leaving and returning to the cell.
  14. Does anyone have basic quest tutorials? Nearly every single quest tutorial I find rather from google or youtube are nearly always "get quest from npc / objective to kill someone / kill that person / return to npc" I'm looking for basic simple quests say like Starting from a book/item/activator/walking into a trigger Find an item in the world Go to a location Add map marker to map "I'll mark it on your map" kinda deals. or auto add when you pick up something. I've tried looking at existing quests that do the above and can't wrap my mind around all the quest windows and what does what. I don't think I've yet seen any tutorials on quests that isn't 'get quest from npc' and then 'go kill someone". Think even the CK wiki just has that kind of quest for a tutorial.
  15. Hello. I'm looking for a script I can attach to NPC's that will make them despawn when you leave the cell/return to a cell. Need this for a bandit den style player home I've made, want to allow you to take out the bandits and claim the place for yourself but don't want the bodies to linger. They seem to stay around forever for me. Also looking for a simple pick up a note and 'go to location' kind of quest. Find lot of tutorials for quests that start at a npc and have you go kill someone, but nothing on just going to a location. (step by step would be nice as quests are my weak link) I know the script to attach to the note/book to trigger a quest.. it's making the go to part that I'm having issues with. Thanks in advance.
  16. If there is no nav mesh inside then the followers can't enter the place. Or they can get trapped in the doorway making it imposible to get past as they don't know where to move even if you bump and nudge them. Or they can clip into an object and get stuck or fall though the world and die unless there set to not be able to die, in that case theyd fall into the void and be lost forever. So yeah there are a lot of draw backs to not nav meshing a place.. it's not so much followers trying to walk into stuff, they will clip into things and a lot of messyness can happen. I've had a follower clip though a table due to bad nav meshing and start to distort and streach before flipping out and dieing from impact damage. Not fun.
  17. -Anywhere- that is not in/near/along the path to riverwood or whiterun. There is a huge over sat of player homes all in this area, along with mods in general. Skyrim is huge, there are many areas, nooks and such for builds that people don't bother with due to wanting their place 'easy' for new players. Figure this, there are almost 300 mods for both riverwood and whiterun alone.. but 20-40 if even that (good chunk of those are city/town overhauls that effect everywhere) for any of the other towns. Creat a new character, throw on god mode and no clip and just roam around and discover some of the nice landscapes and stunning areas. Find a place that players may not go to every often. I know the whole north area of the world is pretty bare when it comes to player homes. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2251/? Or download that (manual) its a world map listing all the cells. find a nice spot, in cell view in the CK put in the x and y and go and take a gander. I've already started work on two player homes, one at -17,33 and another at 25,27. one being a modest shack and the other a more indepth tower.
  18. Pretty much this: The game can only handle a total of 4 lights at a given time that cast shadows. You add more, than something isn't going to load right. On top of that the lag from the non stop updates to the shadows as you move would really not make it worth it.
  19. The dark brotherhood could have members keeping tabs on you so it make sense that the courier would know where to find you. Solstheim may not be a big island but it's big enough. Could be he happened to find you while on his way to the town to... try and find you., :P
  20. Normally its more ideal that if you see someone picking up a request to let them do it. We don't need several of the same concept flooding the place. Plus I rather not be seen as someone who's 'copying' someone elses work/idea. Had enough of that nonsense picking up requests for Minecraft. Edit:Just ending with this: When I got the email stating your comment: Apologies to Taiine, I removed the mod from public view and everything. For high-jacking this request. I started rework on it, only to come back, find the mod still up, and all comments on the matter deleted. So all I get out of the request is more wasted time, and to sit back while someone else gets all the endorsements and credit for filling the request. While all I'd get if I'd continue is lol copycat sense why have a near mirror image of this in a diff location but with no hidden door. Feels like a good'ol slap in the face. Cause normal people when they see a request being for filled by someone would move along, not push their way in and high-jack it for themselvs. Am I bitter about this? Very much so. Like I enjoy having time wasted and dealing with the CK crashing whenever it feels like. Once again I deleted my work cause why the frig bother. So good job on your high-jack, it's people like you why I stopped taking requests in Minecraft.
  21. I was going to post an update and show how I figured out how to do the shack to scale.. but then it got high jacked. Thanks. -.-
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRRy9rsK-QM There's like, the top find when you search for tutorials.. what does he do? blab on, opens one armor, clicks off a cape and ends it. Don't show nada. That is like the better of the ones sense it's only 7 minutes, 4 if you remove the blabbering at the start. Othere's do this but also show the download/install of nif and waste 30+ minutes. The most I find on there that don't do that sort of nonsense and click baiting titles is texture edits and I know how to do that already, but out side that Nifscope has become just a viewer for me sense all I seem to find is well, stuff like that video. Or stuff that switches to 3dsmax or blender. I know Nif can do much more, but I can't find anything that isn't just texture edits or showing off armors. Cutting parts of a model off, scaleing, fusing two or more objects together into a single object. I don't bother watching any video if the person sits there blabbering their mouth off for minutes on end. Makes me want to bop them on the head to get to the point if there even going to show said point.
  23. Think the best bet would be to just add the trap door somewhere in the town so the cell can still be accesssed. There are a small handful of mods that edit the cabin as well, a few turn it into a player home for example. It personally would have been better to have left it be and made the town around it to avoid any future issues.
  24. Hmm. I never used the shack kit before. I might give it a try as a learning experience. No promissess and I can't say if it'll have manequins as I've yet to get them to not be borked to bits, but we'll see. Least you have a nice diagram to go by, now to just hope the scale of objects can fit as shown :tongue: Though I think the hardest part is finding a good spot @.x Edit: -Removed progress- No point continuing sense this got high jacked. Load of wasted work that was.
  25. That is amazing work thank's so much. Think you could also make a version with out the table top, but just the legs bordering around the edges? I wish I knew how to do this stuff myself, but thus far any tutorial I find is just filled with long babble followed by 'how to install' followed by more babble then nothing on how to do what the title said. That or they just open something in nifskope and go there done thats how you edit it. .....but you only opened it.. thats not showing how to edit it. To bad tutorial done after wasting a half hour babbleing and showing how to install this thing. Yeah I've found several tutorials pulling that.
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