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[WIPz] Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)


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Ever since the first version, f4se crashes before the game actually launches and I get this error message in the f4se_loader log:


WARNING: something has started the runtime outside of f4se_loader's control.

F4SE will probably not function correctly.

Try running f4se_loader as an administrator, or check for conflicts with a virus scanner.


I run the .exe as administrator and have the whole Fallout 4 folder excluded from my antivirus. I have also tried turning off the antivirus completely. What could be causing this?

You have a program running that is injecting itself in to every process on your system. This can be a virus scanner, some video card overlay software, many things. Look for something that is always running.
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You have a program running that is injecting itself in to every process on your system. This can be a virus scanner, some video card overlay software, many things. Look for something that is always running.



I only have a few programs running in the background on startup (antivirus, video card/mouse/audio control panel, steam, cloud storage) and still get the same result when I disable all of them. I have no idea what else could possibly be interfering.


SKSE and NVSE all work without issue if that matters.

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can you post full contents of f4se_loader.log?




f4se loader 00010030 01D1365E809BEB35 6.1 (7601)
config path = E:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\f4se.ini
procPath = E:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4\\Fallout4.exe
launching: Fallout4.exe (E:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4\\Fallout4.exe)
dwSignature = FEEF04BD
dwStrucVersion = 00010000
dwFileVersionMS = 00010002
dwFileVersionLS = 00250000
dwProductVersionMS = 00010002
dwProductVersionLS = 00250000
dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017
dwFileFlags = 00000000
dwFileOS = 00000004
dwFileType = 00000001
dwFileSubtype = 00000000
dwFileDateMS = 00000000
dwFileDateLS = 00000000
version = 0001000200250000
product name = Fallout 4
normal exe
dll = E:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4\\f4se_1_2_37.dll
main thread id = 15648
hookBase = 0000000007FE0000
loadLibraryAAddr = 0000000076FE6590
hook thread complete
WARNING: something has started the runtime outside of f4se_loader's control.
F4SE will probably not function correctly.
Try running f4se_loader as an administrator, or check for conflicts with a virus scanner.



What version of Fallout 4 do you have? I don't see a Steam path in there.

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What version of Fallout 4 do you have? I don't see a Steam path in there.



Game version 1.2.37, SKSE 0.1.3. It crashed as well originally when I first tried the day one patch with the original release of the script extender, so I don't think the version is the reason.


As for no steam path, I install franchise games, and/or, heavily modded games to program files. Just a way I organize things. Would reinstalling into the default steamapps folder be the issue somehow? Though it wouldn't make sense how a different folder on the same drive would cause injecting problems. Never caused an issue with previous Bethesda games.

Edited by ka26
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I've been reading for probably hours about any clues as to how to change a few of the hard-coded key bindings. And I read on another forum that I can use F4SE to do this?


I had developed simple mods before for Fallout New Vegas, but this is beyond my current understanding and skills, I admit. Can anyone please at least put me in the right direction as to how I can change the E and F shortcuts of the Workshop mode? I use ESDF for movement, so I need to assign another key, other than E, to place objects in Workshop mode. I also need to re-assign F, which currently rotates, to another.


I can see that Fallout4 - Misc.ba2 has the file I probably want, \Interface\Workshop.swf. And I can see the $Place pointer to a key. I have FO4Edit installed, and have already used it. But beyond that, I have no idea what to do. Can someone please put me in the right direction?

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Game version 1.2.37, SKSE 0.1.3. It crashed as well originally when I first tried the day one patch with the original release of the script extender, so I don't think the version is the reason.

Yes, the version is not relevant. As mentioned, you have something running on your computer that is injecting itself in to every application on startup. When f4se_loader starts the runtime suspended, this program resumes it. You will need to figure out what program this is on your own.


I've been reading for probably hours about any clues as to how to change a few of the hard-coded key bindings. And I read on another forum that I can use F4SE to do this?


I had developed simple mods before for Fallout New Vegas, but this is beyond my current understanding and skills, I admit. Can anyone please at least put me in the right direction as to how I can change the E and F shortcuts of the Workshop mode? I use ESDF for movement, so I need to assign another key, other than E, to place objects in Workshop mode. I also need to re-assign F, which currently rotates, to another.


I can see that Fallout4 - Misc.ba2 has the file I probably want, \Interface\Workshop.swf. And I can see the $Place pointer to a key. I have FO4Edit installed, and have already used it. But beyond that, I have no idea what to do. Can someone please put me in the right direction?

Please read the f4se_whatsnew.txt file for more instructions about creating custom key maps.
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What version of Fallout 4 do you have? I don't see a Steam path in there.



Game version 1.2.37, SKSE 0.1.3. It crashed as well originally when I first tried the day one patch with the original release of the script extender, so I don't think the version is the reason.


As for no steam path, I install franchise games, and/or, heavily modded games to program files. Just a way I organize things. Would reinstalling into the default steamapps folder be the issue somehow? Though it wouldn't make sense how a different folder on the same drive would cause injecting problems. Never caused an issue with previous Bethesda games.



If you start game by running Fallout4.exe - is it started immediately or Launcher menu opens?

Try to rename Fallout4Launcher.exe to Fallout4Launcher_original.exe , then f4se_loader.exe to Fallout4Launcher.exe and then start game from steam.

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Never mind about about my post above. Thanks to hdhemgey's post and uploaded mod, and to Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel, and Purple Lunchbox (ianpatt, behippo, and plb)'s Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE), I was able to figure it out.

After quite some effort to understand how and deal with virtual-key codes, I managed to customize many key bindings, changing them to my preferred ones, including overriding hard-coded bindings like E. If anyone bumps into this and is still lost, you can read my explanation, RokHere, in the comments or posts section of hdhemgey's uploaded mod, on how to use it and customize it; so you don't waste time figuring out what took me hours to figure out. Good luck.

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