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I can't fix some problems in my Darkwater Crossing upcoming mod.


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Hello! I'm actually modifying Darkwater Crossing to give everybody a house, not just a sleeping bag near the fire. I added the missing npcs that were mentionned in the game (Meieran and Dasturn) and some merchants. So i added theses buildings and npcs:


Player's house (Not ready yet)

Darkwater Falls Inn (Dasturn as innkeeper)

Derkeethus's house (Derkeethus when he'll be rescued)

Tormir and Hrefna's House (Tormir and Hrefna)

Verner and Annekke's house (Verner and Annekke) (Actually changed the exterior to match the interior size)

Krohnvald's house (Krohnvald a Blacksmith/Merchant)

Darkwater Goods (Bruthskeir as a general merchant)

Sondas and Meieran's house (Sondas the miner and Meieran the farmer)


I modified most of the vanilla ai packages to get the npcs do what i want, like go to bed in the houses i added. I used the vanilla ones, excepted for the default sandox ones. I renamed the non sandbox ones, modified their hours of use and added some packages as necessary. Everything works fine but with Hrefna (and maybe Derkeethus since i didn't rescued him yet). Here's what her ai packages look like and in what order they are in the ai package list:


23pm - 7am Sleeping near XMarker over her owned bed in Tormir and Hrefna's House, 128 of radius

7am - 8am Eating near XMarker over the campfire near the lake where a chair is owned by her, 500 of radius

8am - 12pm Follow Tormir

12pm - 13pm Eating near XMarker over the campfire near the lake where a chair is owned by her, 500 of radius

13pm - 17pm Follow Sondas

17pm - 20pm Patrol between 3 owned, linked and patrol data time set markers (SitLedgeMarker to FarmingIdleMarker to LookFarMarker)

20pm - 23pm Eating near XMarker over the campfire near the lake where a chair is owned by her, 500 of radius


Hrefna is included in the locklist of the house, has the key of it, is in the faction that owns the house and her bed is a child bed set to 0.8 of scale. The modified town and the added interiors are all fully navmeshed.


Finally, the problems! Hrefna don't patrol from 17 to 20, she stays near the campfire. She stays there during the patrol but starts eating when intended (20 to 23). She doesn't go to bed at home from 23 to 7. She quits the campfire at 8 after her 7 to 8 breakfast to go in the mine with her mother. Why do she never go patrol or sleep and stays at the campfire?

Edited by Gerheardt
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