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TES V: what do you want to see?


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One thignthat I hated about Oblivion was the look of the light armours.


Typically, it's only Theives/Assassins the use the stuff, so why are the top two so damn bright?

I'd like to see someone try to sneak around in Armour that REFLECTED light insted of absorbing it. :dry:

The armour system from Morrowind should be put into TES V.

Light armours should be dark, yet nice looking.

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I loved the look of steel, but at high levels it just wasn't effective enough. And thieves don't really need anything beyond leather. That really doesn't work at level 30 under this system.


Thats a good point, They made everything else in Oblivion more realistic (buildings, plants, ect) but they still went with those tacky armors... What were they thinking?



Another thing that buged me was that every day was exactly the same as the last. There should be some random nonquest related events. Like for example, You walk in to your favorite store and find out they are having a sale and everything is 50% off. Or you walk in to town and one of the gaurds tells you there is a dangerious (unleveled) murderer on the lose. So you will never know whats going to happen tomorrow.

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Id also like to see diseases presenting an actual problem to the player. I have a mod for this, but itd be nice for Besthesda to take the initiative, I for one wouldnt enjoy collapsing in the middle of the wilderness.
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I'd like to see less reliance on magic and more emphasis on technology. For example, primitive guns, or steam power gaining wide usage. It has been done, but was taken apart pretty promptly once discovered by the player character.
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I'd like to see less reliance on magic and more emphasis on technology. For example, primitive guns, or steam power gaining wide usage. It has been done, but was taken apart pretty promptly once discovered by the player character.

That was already done by the Dwemer and look at how they turned out...

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I would like to see more randomness.for instance difeerent faces on the bandits,getting a little tired of hitting a afro-hairstyle redgaurd woman! :excl: And more scalability,like the full body awareness in dark messiah. It's pathetic that you have to "jump" everywhere.

Also a little more intrigue to every dungeon,I want something special for all my efforts,sometimes I clear a dungeon and don't even come out with any decent loot if any at all! :ph34r:

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someone on this topic suggested playing as a deadric prince.


if this idea gets to the makers of oblivion then i think that there are computers that are going.... PUFF!


well, this is my idea:


you start as sheogorath in your throne room and think to yourself: "since i'm a greedy male without a father and Ocato didn't give me the title of emperor of Tamriel, then what if i.....

Become the ruler of all the deadric realms (with some new deadric spells of course), challenge Mehrunes Dagon and be the emperor of Oblivion!

after that we could create our own faction (like the mithic dawn) and conquer not just cyrodill, but Morrowind, skirym and the rest of tamriel (lack of memory to remeber the names of the provinces :P )"




or is this too predicteble? :unsure: (if yes you can always help :) )





*dread guy*

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i want to see a better Char creation, let me adjust my Height, fatness and overall build.


Next Thing to do would be: Larger Cities with Larger Houses. Larger Buildings for the Kings, Counts and Nobelmen. The Imperial Palace is awfully small, smaller then the Castles in the Cities, although they lack proper Dining Rooms and Stuff.


I dont want to be the Head of any Guild. Its not very realistic, the Head of all the Guilds is constantly roaming in Cyrodiil...


Instead i want to be the "Hero" of the blabla Guild, which would give me all the nice little Boni but would leave the Head of the Guild behind his/hers Desk to tend to the duties as Head of the Guild.


The Game should move a bit forward in time, with technological Upgrades here and there. A Character could be some Kind of Inventor, whiping together some kind of basic Steamengines or something like Hot Air Balloons. The Player Char could do Quests to get exotic Parts for some new Invention. Maybe the Inventor could bring some forgotten Dwemer Machinery back to Life.

Please, dont get me wrong, i certainly dont wont to Leap to far in the future. I want to keep everything firmly medieval. The Inventor should be merely a Hint of Things to come, in the far off Future. First Railway will be build in TES 12...


Repairing Armor should be harder, very much harder. You should have to go to a Forge to repair Armor.

I can Repair 15780102734 Pieces of any Armor while in Mid Air. Thats ridiculous.

Armor shouldnt be as easy to break. We deal with Metal alloys far far harder then Steel, so they should not be half broken after one Excursion into a Cave.



Caves, Forts and the Like should be smaller. Why is it that every little Bandit Hideout is waaaayyy larger then any Palace of any King? Whats with the Forts? In some of the Forts you could fit the entire IC, including the white Pe... the white gold tower.



Less stupid Quest errm annoyances. Like the Fighters Guild Quest where you have to *walk* next to Oreyn for like hours -.- Whats with the Forlorn Watchman? Cant he go a little bit faster?

Why do i have to dress like a sissy to compete in the Arena?

The Fires in Bruma and Kvatch will burn till the Beginning of the 87th era. Emperor Darth Uriel MLXVI will order to extinguish them.

Why do you have to deal withstupid companions, which keep drowning in Lava, running into your Arrows and Fireballs and taking on 10 Enemys at once? Let me do Quests alone, NPCs are just not smart enough. They have never been and never will be. So would you please just forget about it.

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Next Thing to do would be: Larger Cities with Larger Houses. Larger Buildings for the Kings, Counts and Nobelmen. The Imperial Palace is awfully small, smaller then the Castles in the Cities, although they lack proper Dining Rooms and Stuff.

This I'll have to disagree with. If you've ever played through the thieves guild, you'll find that the IC Palace is huge.

The rest I agree with...mostly.

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