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TES V: what do you want to see?


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A feature where you can actually pick a body up and drop it somewhere else. This 'drag' system is total crap!


Like in Deus Ex? That works better, but why not just dispose of the corpse? Then you can drag the dead bodies into naughty positions (I know, I'm very immature).

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I want to be able to kill people in their sleep the way it would be done in real life. Not slashing them with a magic dagger and seeing the body fly into the air! Are there any mods around that stop people flying a foot in the air when you kill them with a magic weapon?


I mean, any assassin worthy of the name would just creep up to their target, put their hand over their mouth and....


A feature where you can actually pick a body up and drop it somewhere else. This 'drag' system is total crap!


Like in Deus Ex? That works better, but why not just dispose of the corpse? Then you can drag the dead bodies into naughty positions (I know, I'm very immature).


Ok, keep the drag system as well for 'photo-shoots'!!!!! ;)


Something else I'd like to see: If you've paid 40 gold for a bed in Tiber Septim Hotel, you should get a much better night's sleep (and get back more energy/fatigue/health/magica) than if you've just crashed out on a bedroll. It'd be nice to see that modelled in the next game.


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please don't double post like 2 minutes after your previous post. Use the edit button to add more. Thanks.


- Switch

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One more idea, bring halbreds back


Do you mean 'halberds?' Yes, they would be cool.


I want to see:


A feature where you can actually pick a body up and drop it somewhere else. This 'drag' system is total crap!

Better NPC AI, especially in their conversations.

When you pick something up, let's see your hand actually pick it up, not just have the object disappear.

Combat on Horses.

The ability to join Imperial/whatever watches and quests for them as well.


I can't think of anything else right now...


Yes halberds. Read my sig whenever that happens ;)




:huh: what does "The fact that rap music is terrible is known to the earth." have to do with this we're talking about?

just kidding....lol :P


*talking about topic*


Are you really trying to make a sims 3? it looks like with the toilets then probabaly a bathtub, then sombody is going to imagine feeding the birds........


Oblivion is (at least for me) a game of hack and slash, stealth or even spellcrafting normaly related with quests (including the main).......


eg: son wants X village of bandits destroyed to avenge his father death - so here hack and slash is more useful than stealth or magic.




and not a "oh, those eggs are a little burned" and "lets go to bed because i got promoted in my career and i don't want to be late" and stuff like that... :dry:


Ps: no eggs, birds, bathtubs, toilets, sons, fathers and beds were killed and or abused and or neglected in the making of this post.



*dread guy*

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You should be able to do 2 things...

Get Married

Have Childeren


Or have illegitimate children. Or have children without getting married.


They could put prostitutes in, in that case, but if they don't, there'll be a mod for that anyway (if you can get married and have children). I know there was a mod for that for Morrowind.

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First off, I do NOT want good/evil. I don't think it should be so black & white. I like that I can be in the Thieves Guild and Fighters Guild, and the Knights of the White Stallion as well as the Dark Brotherhood. It makes me seem two-faced, and that's kinda cool.


As for the world, I would love it if we were able to play online. As in, an MMO. ^_^ That would be awesome. And, it would be awesome if it had the whole continent of Tamriel. I want a world that I have to actually work to explore. Also, being able to burn things down would be spiffy.


Some actual character poses we can use. My guy just stands there ALL THE TIME. How about leaning to the side after a while? Crossing his arms? How about having different ways to sit in a chair? Or being able to lay on the ground? How about, in 1st person, being able to look down and see your chest/abdomin/groin/legs/feet/etc.?


For character appearance, FLOWING clothes. The kind that are affected by gravity, and flap in the wind. Customizing the BODY like we can do the face. Short hair, or just more styles in general. More slots (belts?). More realistic layering. And definitely a lot more equipment in general. And loincloths and codpieces. :ohmy: And actual nudity. Oblivion underwear is horrible. I would much rather have nudity; it adds a lot more realism to the game which I think is a definite plus.


For NPCs, more voice actors. Better AI. How about actually getting into nightwear, and getting under the covers when they go to bed? Or wearing different clothes on different days? Or just doing something different instead of the same stuff? Maybe some festivals at certain times of the year? Maybe some holidays?


Horse combat. More advanced normal combat, with kicks, etc. e.g., be able to kick someone back if they get close while I'm using my bow. Also, being able to sneak up on someone, grab them in a hold, and use them as a hostage to escape a city. ^_^ Or just sneak up and snap or slit their neck. yay sneak attack!


Definitely more weapon types. Spears, crossbows, halberds, whips, throwing knives, scythes, crossbows, muskets, flails, staves, etc.


A better UI, with smaller fonts that aren't so obviously made for consoles.

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You should be able to do 2 things...

Get Married

Have Childeren




They could put prostitutes in, in that case, but if they don't, there'll be a mod for that anyway (if you can get married and have children). I know there was a mod for that for Morrowind.

I would slaughter every last one!!! ;D




But please make better dioulouge(sp?). ;)

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First off, I do NOT want good/evil. I don't think it should be so black & white. I like that I can be in the Thieves Guild and Fighters Guild, and the Knights of the White Stallion as well as the Dark Brotherhood. It makes me seem two-faced, and that's kinda cool.

That's not the point people are trying to make (Well...I guess I can't speak for everyone).

At least what I'm trying to say is add more evil. The way the game is now, it's not even black and white; it's just white. Grey is nice, but they have to add black before you can get grey.

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First off, I do NOT want good/evil. I don't think it should be so black & white. I like that I can be in the Thieves Guild and Fighters Guild, and the Knights of the White Stallion as well as the Dark Brotherhood. It makes me seem two-faced, and that's kinda cool.

That's not the point people are trying to make (Well...I guess I can't speak for everyone).

At least what I'm trying to say is add more evil. The way the game is now, it's not even black and white; it's just white. Grey is nice, but they have to add black before you can get grey.


amen to that ;)


i've been thinking (omg i can think!) and it would be nice to infiltrate in settlements to after burning them down last night (with a mask of course) and help them rebuild.... but one night they will see a dead sheep. Nothing to worry about, probabily (sp?) a hungry wolf or something; but the next night it's going to be a beggar. now this is serious who could do such a thing? and then! :ohmy:


hehehehehehehehehe my evil plan....................................... :ph34r:

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