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TES V: what do you want to see?


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It would be good to see the ability to have two people on your horse, so when you have to pick up a NPC, they just hop on your horse! Otherwise, you have to wait ages for them, for example bringing M. Septim to Cloud Ruler Temple takes ages! If he could just jump on your horse you'd be there in half the time.
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Hm. Dragons, giants, more spiders, and other interesting creatures. A good leveling system, like Morrowind or system that enables OOO. And, maybe some other things.
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Don't Martin and Jauffre both mount horses for that bit? Or were you just impatient and started riding off on horseback without letting them get to the stables?


Yes, they do, but they walk!!! It takes forever to get to Cloud Ruler like that! I just want to get the most important one (Martin) on my horse and go! Furthermore, in a crisis such as the one in the game, they'd leave for the Temple at breakneck speed, not a leisurely trot!


Also, I'd like a lean function in the next game, so you can peek round corners and fire arrows/spells.

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i think everybody forgot this.

let's say that our ideas were in the game.....








yeah right the money!!! (d'oh - forgot my limonade buisness (sp?) )


you have to balance the ideas or else.....


i think that nobody wants to spend 150 dollars (or €) on a game!


come on people! our lives aren't just about TES


read a book

play football

go to a park

buy a dog


study! (please don't kill me)


And then you can play a bit on the computer / Xbox / Ps 1,2,3



*dread guy*

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read a book

play football

go to a park

buy a dog

study! (please don't kill me)

1. I read plenty.

2. I would get killed...literally.

3. I'm miles away from the nearest park.

4. My cats would not like that in the least. They don't even get along with each other let alone an outsider.

5. School's over.


Also, just because our ideas are in a game, doesn't mean it's going to cost $150! In fact, I'll bet anything TES V is going to be about $50-60. No game is ever going to cost that much.

But, more importantly, the quality of the game does not dictate price. A good game (new) will cost just as much as a crappy game (new). TES V could be the greatest game ever and it will still cost the same as lesser games (new).

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I dont know if this has been said but id deffinitely like to see an environment you can interact with. Like climbing trees to spy on people or get a better shot with your bow at someone. Setting your own traps would be neat also, like a quest would require you to ambush someone something you could set traps for them in advance. I have some other ideas but i really dont feel like explaining them right now....:P
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read a book

play football

go to a park

buy a dog

study! (please don't kill me)

1. I read plenty.

2. I would get killed...literally.

3. I'm miles away from the nearest park.

4. My cats would not like that in the least. They don't even get along with each other let alone an outsider.

5. School's over.


Also, just because our ideas are in a game, doesn't mean it's going to cost $150! In fact, I'll bet anything TES V is going to be about $50-60. No game is ever going to cost that much.

But, more importantly, the quality of the game does not dictate price. A good game (new) will cost just as much as a crappy game (new). TES V could be the greatest game ever and it will still cost the same as lesser games (new).



maybe in your country.....


but in mine i have to wait a year or so until prices lower down :(


ok no more talking of this let's move onto the topic shall we?

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