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TES V: what do you want to see?


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Yes, if using the CS, full range changes would be a blessing; good idea Login.


Now for some of those other suggestions:

1) True, there are more bandits and bad guys then the whole of the population.. but I think that’s also one of those “this is a game” aspects that is hard to overcome. I think we’ll just have to realize that, for now, you’ll have a finite ‘named’ population, though I’m certain a random name generator for various races would be a welcome addition.


2) Indeed, allow us to be “champion” of the faction but not the head. As we all know, being the head of the faction does nothing for you and people still treat you as though you were a new recruit. There was never any script implemented for this change and as they most likely won’t make new script for the future (this was the same in Morrowind too), let us be at the ‘top’ but not actually run the damn guild (for we can’t make any decisions anyway, there’s no scripting for it).


3) More interface options (On/off) is always nice, as stated by many.



7) Yes, allow customized bodies! Funny to have a fat face but a muscular body…


8. Morrowind had this clothing style interface. The more pricy and pretty (though mixed and matched styles was still irrelevant) you wore, the easier it was to shop certain places. And it also had some voice comments like “put some clothes on!” if you walked around nude. That was funny.. and some of the conversations had text speaking about it as well – bring that back! Nudity may not be a crime but not everyone likes the eye-candy… though I do!


10) I thought about this last night, playing… walking up to Frostcrag while it snowed. Then I though how complicated and/or how much more PC power would be needed for say things like feet prints… and I though it might not be a good idea. I would like if it rains or you exit swimming, that you should at least look wet for a time.


I thought of another thing I would like – TRUE 3RD PERSON PERSPECTIVE. I do not like that I can ONLY view my character from the back unless I wait around for the camera to rotate or go into the character menu.

I want to zoom out, and be able to run towards the camera, to the left or right – basically like other console games have when moving from 3rd to 1st and vice-versa. In third, I can rotate camera and move player independently. Why haven’t they done this yet??



Personal note about multiplayer:

I’ve said it before, I don’t want multi-player. But I did think of something that may make things rewarding. If a Diablo style game isn’t possible, where it’s IN NO WAY linked to the main game and you have a separate character who can visit a few places, compete and show off things you find, then how about this instead:

A showcase, online server.


What does this mean? Simply put, you can import anything you’ve found in the game into a showroom. The showroom can then be toured by anyone who logs into the server by their own character. Things like looting, combat, and interaction wouldn’t be allowed, though the Morrowind style of just hovering over items to get all info should be brought back so you can ‘view’ everything on display.


I had thought this when dressing my mannequins I have on display in Frostcraig’s main chamber with armor sets and it came to me – I’d love to show case this room, or have a room like it where I can show things off.


As far as what you can put in … well anything you port into the showcase room is in effect ‘out of the game’. You can showcase anything that isn’t considered a ‘quest’ item, and you can customize your showcase room with display cases, mannequins, and weapon racks… it would be VERY rewarding I think; plus I’d also like to tour other players’ showcase rooms.

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For the fourth time i'm going to say some of my suggestions (with a little update)


1.Improving the construction set , ALOT. Such as changing a static field , Easier navigation, Making it much more easy to add custom animtion, New skills



2.Better AI , a lot better AI. At first i was impressed by the whole ''every npc has it own life'' but na-ah , They just sit at home reading books and sometimes they get out standing in the middle of a street walking around talking to completly randomo persons.


3.Bigger landmarks , Cyrodiil was nice but not enough, We need better LOD and bigger landmarks.


4.Adding more immersion , For example more radiant AI , Such as fighters guild members raid dungeons to complete quests , Thieves breaking in to NPCs and even the PCs homes and pickpock people As well as actully spending time in jail without getting slaughterd for stealing a jar. Another example would be NPCs moving to another house.


5.Better performence , I think Bethsda could improve this a lot.


6.Fill the world with a lot more NPCs, Not only in general , Like more crowd. Look at assassins creed , They have hundreds of NPCs in the same area with good graphics without affecting the performence of the game.


7.A lot more custom animations , A lot more.


8.The ability to actully have your OWN life , In oblivion you could mainly make money by Thieving or things involving combat.


9.A lot more armors and weapons , Hundreds of them.


10.... I dunno

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@ xenxander: if you hold, not press, R, you can move the mouse to view your entire character.


@ Marre_pro:

2. That has nothing to do with Bethesda; that has to do with the overall knowledge of AI. Bethesda can't possibly create AI that is better that the AI we already have.

4. Again with the AI, however, this one has some more to say. The AI doesn't work very well when the PC isn't present.

5. Performance has to do with the engine, which Bethesda didn't make. Bethesda uses 3rd party engines so they can focus more on the story.

6. Same as above. The current engine can't, and never will, support hundreds of NPCs. Bethesda would need a new engine.

7. Animations are hard, even for professionals. That's why TES has never been real good with animations. Unless Bethesda can get some high skilled animators (unlikely), the animations will be limited in both quality and quantity.

8. TES is a dungeon delver's game. If you want a game that does more than dungeon delve, play a different game. I don't understand why everyone want's to turn TES into the ultimate game that has everything; no game ever will. That's why we have thousands of games. If there was one game that had everything, then anyone would only need one game, which would cause all video game companies everywhere to go out of business. It's a fine line; the game makers have to add enough to make it more appealing than other games, but leave enough out that the gamers don't need only that one game.

9. Hundreds of weapons and armour? That would require hundreds of meshes, and hundreds of textures. No one wants that.

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@ xenxander: if you hold, not press, R, you can move the mouse to view your entire character.


@ Marre_pro:

2. That has nothing to do with Bethesda; that has to do with the overall knowledge of AI. Bethesda can't possibly create AI that is better that the AI we already have.

4. Again with the AI, however, this one has some more to say. The AI doesn't work very well when the PC isn't present.

5. Performance has to do with the engine, which Bethesda didn't make. Bethesda uses 3rd party engines so they can focus more on the story.

6. Same as above. The current engine can't, and never will, support hundreds of NPCs. Bethesda would need a new engine.

7. Animations are hard, even for professionals. That's why TES has never been real good with animations. Unless Bethesda can get some high skilled animators (unlikely), the animations will be limited in both quality and quantity.

8. TES is a dungeon delver's game. If you want a game that does more than dungeon delve, play a different game. I don't understand why everyone want's to turn TES into the ultimate game that has everything; no game ever will. That's why we have thousands of games. If there was one game that had everything, then anyone would only need one game, which would cause all video game companies everywhere to go out of business. It's a fine line; the game makers have to add enough to make it more appealing than other games, but leave enough out that the gamers don't need only that one game.

9. Hundreds of weapons and armour? That would require hundreds of meshes, and hundreds of textures. No one wants that.


Some really good feedback there ... Ehh .. Yeah.... Nice....That would explain a lot ...

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Combat on horseback.

Online play. Not a MMORPG, but mabye 4 person coop.

Like and morrowind, be able to mix gauntlets/boots. Be able to have a right iron and left glass for example.

Throwing stars.

Teleportation spells.

Mabye have alternate endings to the main quest.

Capes to wear with armor.

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Is there a TES V announced?

No, but they'd be absolute morons not to make it.


Mabye have alternate endings to the main quest.

They tried that in Daggerfall...it did not end well. Essentially, they had to somehow explain how every single ending could happen at the same time when they made Morrowind.

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@ xenxander: if you hold, not press, R, you can move the mouse to view your entire character.


I don't see how that does anything. Hodling "R" and moving your mouse to look around in 3rd person does nothing.


to clarify, I was told "Hold down the 'change view' key". I wish that had been specified before, as not everyone has the same keymapping to their keyboard for gameplay.


simply saying "hold 'R'" doesn't mean anything if you don't tell what "R" is mapped to in game. But that problem is now solved.

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