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TES V: what do you want to see?


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the ability to hire an assassin to kill some one

There's a part of Oblivion Enhanced which allows this. This is a modular version, so you can just pick out that feature and use it.



  1. It takes a lot of effort to arrange. You'll need to find a lot of items.
  2. You can't witness the assassination. The Dark Brotherhood will visit you when you sleep telling it is done.
  3. You can't select a specific npc. There's a list of npc's which you can choose from.

(You can also ask to assassinate essential characters like a count. They will actually get killed then.)

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This has probably already been said many times, but when you reach the 25, 50, 75, 100 level in a skill or as some other leveling reward, you should be given choices as to how you want your character to develop.


For example, if you level up your destruction magic to level 100, you are now a master of destruction, you should be given a choice as to what type of element to gain a bonus to. So If you really like fire, frost, or shock damage, you can choose to get a bonus to one of these destruction types.


Thats just one example, if they want more ideas, they'll have to give me a job, or at least ask. :)



There should be a massive amount of enemy types, I don't care if they are only slightly different then thier counterparts.


There should be more done with creature scaling, for example, a horde of small, vicious spiders, or gigantic freaking ogre skeletons, and tons of very dark creatures like the wraiths. HOw about shadows. Like a black ghost shadow type freakin scary male without a father.


Bigger, better magic effects. a 100 damage fireball looks the same as a 10 damage fireball.


More weapon types, especially for unarmed. Like claws and brass knuckles and poo.


SPEARS, Halberts, Partisans, and there has to be 1 and 2 handed types


*More voice actors.


* Also, just because several people have to say the same thing, doesn't mean they should say it exactly the same. They can say the same general things, but change the wording, so it doesn't kill the immersion.


Spiders. Who doesn't want to slay a gigantic scary ass evil spider? Yeah, I know there are deadric spiders, but thats half demon. Give me regular spiders.


Etc., etc., etc.

I agree on all of these, but mostly the one about fireballs, they should look different, but not be a different size (a 10feet/10damage blast should be the same size as a 10/100damage one), the only way it sould be bigger is if the range is larger.


Also: all NPC's should be based on us (gamingsource members). it'll never happen but it would be cool.....wait a minute.


(runs off to non-internet computer loads up CS, pushes random buttons, runs back)


Right, thats it im gonna start a new topic. (look for 'GamingsourceMod' in about 20mins)


EDIT: look under 'General Mod Talk'

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I'm sure that this has already been said, but I really want destructable terrain. This would be so cool and probably taxing on the system, but it would be so much fun to hack down a tree permanetly if I felt like it.
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I'm sure that this has already been said, but I really want destructable terrain. This would be so cool and probably taxing on the system, but it would be so much fun to hack down a tree permanetly if I felt like it.

That would be so cool! I could not only slaughter everyone in the game, but I could also destroy their homes, cities, etc.


I also want more random people not related to ANYTHING. They could die and it wouldn't lock you out of quests. Then I could slaughter many innocents for no reason...

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At least in the case of fireballs, something could probably be done with the color. For instance,

0-25: orange-red

26-50: Yellow

51-75: White

76-100: blue-white


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Oh I like that specific color idea ^^^


Fireball color might work for fire, but would it also work for the other destruction elements? Take shock for example, Sure i'd like to see different color of lightning, but I'd like to see something different instead of just color.


Example: When ur low lvld, maybe lightning could look less poewerful (duh). When a weapon uses a drain fatigue affect, like the Blackwater Blade, it has the induvidual bolt that looks like red lightning. Not only would I like to see different colors for many different spells, but for lighting i'd like to see more or less complexity of the look (like the look of the "red bolt")





Also, I haven't read every page of this thread, so i dont know if this is already on here, but what about the menu system? I liked Morrowind's system. I liked how it worked.

I also liked the bartering system. I liked how u could pay for things with other items instead of only using gold.

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