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TES V: what do you want to see?


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Fireball color might work for fire, but would it also work for the other destruction elements? Take shock for example, Sure i'd like to see different color of lightning, but I'd like to see something different instead of just color.

Different colour lightning wouldn't be real...realistic. Lightning is bright white...I don't really like the blue colour they have now. However, different lightning could be better. Maybe low levers could have a single bolt that shocks you, while at higher levels, you have multiple bolts and they branch out as well. Also, I would like to see a shock effect similar to the mage spell Call Lightning found in many good 'ol rpgs. Where one large bold strikes down from the sky and creates an area of effect that does incredible damage to whoever is in the radius. There is also the cleric spell Flame Strike which is essentially the same thing but is fire instead of lightning.

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that would be sweet, robing other people, getting rid of fast travell so you can hide at the side of a road and rob someone, man that'd be sweet


Ok, let's get real here. Sure, having something like this online would be cool, but it would take away from the game. Right now Oblivion is a huge game. Since we're talking about tes V... it'll probably be even bigger. For it to be online, there would have to be less features. The online games we have now don't compare to the level of awesomishness that Oblivion has just from all the things that can happen in it. I think that if Tes V were online it wouldnt have many of the features Oblivion has now.

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I think that if Tes V were online it wouldnt have many of the features Oblivion has now.

And why is that? Why, if TES V were online, would it have to have less features? Is there some law somewhere saying that if a game is online it can't be as good as if it weren't?

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I think that if Tes V were online it wouldnt have many of the features Oblivion has now.

And why is that? Why, if TES V were online, would it have to have less features? Is there some law somewhere saying that if a game is online it can't be as good as if it weren't?

Yes there is, its called moderation. Im sure that Bethsoft has the resources to make TES V have a near unlimited playable area, with thousands of new role playing activites, multiplayer capibilities, and graphics that put Oblivion to shame. But do you have any idea how long it would take to do anything nearly as awsome as that... probably three times longer than anyone is willing to wait. Not to mention that it would require a monster computer to use any of it.

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On the topic of differentiating magic projectile magnitudes, lightning (think this was mentioned already) could go from one linear bolt at low power to several frizzy bolts at high powers, and perhaps high powers would have a speed boost. Frost could range from 'light glaze' to 'freezer that hasn't been deiced for years', ideally with 3-dimensional accumulation of crystals.


Actually, it might be interesting to have 'Speed' be an attribute of spells that could be set in CS or in-game. I would love a high-magnitude Fireball spell that lumbers slowly toward its target.

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Hmm, a bunch of things. First of all, more terrain. Jungles, deserts, actual underwater areas that aren't caves. The landscapes here seem to blend together too often. Only when you get to the extremes of areas do you see a large difference, i.e. fast traveling from a mountain area to a forest.


More balanced skills! The community has help immensely on tuning the skill/attribute scene but it would nic to be balanced from the ground up. Kind of like the odd relationship between Security and Alteration. Security itself is made to open locks, Alteration "can" open locks but also save your life and make enemies regret attacking you.


Combat could be more interactive. The rolls and dodging are a nice touch but that could become more in-depth. Where you strike a target could have a visually appealing physics impact; such as hitting an enemy's shield makes it lean one way or another based on where they are holding it and where you hit it. While on the note of particular strikes, hitting the enemy in certain areas could do specific things, like bashing them in the knee with a club, or other bludgeoning weapon, could reduce their movement (assuming they aren't in plate mail).


Weapons and items themselves can have better defined properties. Bludgeoning weapons do more damage to undead than living targets (yeah yeah, taken from DnD). Or bladed weapons deal more damage against unarmored enemies than bludgeoning. Wearing full plate mail and a giant claymore will make you a sucker for lightning over fire or ice, although negative energy will just go on through.


The environment should be more interactive. This may be a CPU killer but it would be interesting to be able to change your surroundings. Like bashing a tree until it falls or burning grass in a certain area with a fire spell. On second thought, making the environment an actual object with that many properties would kill most people's computers. But maybe for TES VI.


The world shouldn't stand still and certainly shouldn't revolve around you. Life in towns should continue as usual and, based on time, events should happen because the right set of elements fell into place, even without your interference. Again, the community stepped in here and took a leap forward with life mods. But if TES V was built from the ground up with interactions like this in mind, I believe it would pretty damn cool. I'd like to imagine that if you saw a town in the game, left for a year, and then came back that it would be significantly different. Maybe not a totally redone town but enough change that you notice.


Just a few ideas.

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I would love a high-magnitude Fireball spell that lumbers slowly toward its target.

I can just imagine a powerful mage standing on a hilltop and firing that spell down at a huge battle.

*six hours later*

Mage: Damn, everyone left hours ago and it's only reaching the ground now.

*insert ridiculously huge explosion*

Mage: Hey! Where'd Tamriel go?

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What would i like to see happen for number V? Well, I'd like to see a wealthy benefactor appear on my doorstep and inform me he'll give me 2000 dollars under the proviso that i spend the money exclusively on a P.C upgrade. I cant even handle Very High settings in IV :( , and need a serious amount of slider bar action just to get High setting to work okay. I fear number V would spell the end of my P.C. But bring it on, I'll just have to work double shifts for two years thats all :blush: . I love the realistic feel of Oblivion, and hope that trend continues in number V. Also my main wish....that they actually take a good long look at some of the awesome Mods out there for Oblivion and actually take note. Theres a lot of good ideas floating around.
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I would like to see...


more brutal melee combat (taking tips from dark messiah perhaps), plus the addition of some physics fun


a larger array of different types of creatures, and more diversity within those species, so not every "troll" looks the same.


a larger cast of voice actors, so they dont all sound the same.


a eeeven larger length of audio, so you are less likely to hear the same thing. plus better sorting of audio dialogue so that a characters voice doesn't change half way though talking to them.


better npc interaction, not too much more of "what's going on with you?" + improved AI


better magic & facial graphics


more realistic character movement, so you're not animated as walking forwards whilst side stepping etc.


a much much larger variation on cave / dungeon interior (!)


plenty of room for improvement, I'm sure it'll be great whatever they do :)

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