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How long did you last before your first death?


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About a day in, pure playtime on hard mode.. travelling with Nick Valentine.. that man is an animal... I had to cross the glowing sea... wanted to explore a bit... and obviously ran into a bad neighbourhood... And after a long and legendary Battle with about 8 charred Ferrals, and 2 legendary charred Ferrals, 3 Deadhead Rad-scorpions.. 4 Vampiric Blood-bugs, and a Mythic Death-claw... all at once.. we were heavily outnumbered but refused to die..


Until i ran out of rad-away.. and i died by radiation poisoning.... :blush:

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My first death I think was the synths at the bottom of the rocket ship, clearing it out for the BoS, so quite far in. I can't tell you the time, it would have been 10+ hours though, the games not that hard in power armor.

I died because someone blew something up behind me, or the rocket engine fired :D I can't remember which. I definitely died to the rocket engine the second time though heh, as I didn't close the blast doors. Third death was to an assault mech and its laser weapon, those things can hit hard, I was far south though at vault 95. I think i've died about 3 or 4 times at 39 hours.

Edited by Markmid
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Is it my imagination or are the ghouls tweaked ? I had done fine up to level 6 with just leathers, then I had the BoS mission at the Cop shop. I got creamed a few times so I went back for my power armor and returned. I lasted a little longer with the power armor but it seemed like the minigun was having no effect on them. With my health at 75, one ghoul came up,, took one swing at me, and I was gone again. Something just isn't right with this, WTH .

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After 6hours of gameply and with lvl9. Noticed the Raider with the Fatman too late...



Auch... i tend to stay away from fat-mans... my own i mean... i'm very likely to shoot myself in the foot...;)

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Is it my imagination or are the ghouls tweaked ? I had done fine up to level 6 with just leathers, then I had the BoS mission at the Cop shop. I got creamed a few times so I went back for my power armor and returned. I lasted a little longer with the power armor but it seemed like the minigun was having no effect on them. With my health at 75, one ghoul came up,, took one swing at me, and I was gone again. Something just isn't right with this, WTH .


I had a memorable battle with some charred Ferral ghouls in the glowing sea, me thinks they are strongest ghouls around, besides from the legendary or otherwise mutated exceptions.. and i found that the Gaus gun is rather effective on them... i upgraded mine a few times, but that gun seems to kill ghouls in one or two shots.. and charred ones in 3 or 4 shots... also rather effective against Syths.. i noticed. Mind you, i was pretty high level at the time,. playing on hard difficulty... and I upgraded my gaus gun to the max...


When fighting ghouls of any kind.. shoot them in the legs.. the head doesn't give you a better chance... shoot the legs... they will fall down and are easy pickings after that... also keep an eye on your radiation level... the higher that gets, the lower your health... when fighting Ferral ghouls... its far more likely that you'll die of radiation poisoning bringing down your health... rather than losing health from being hit... and if they are down, they cant hit you any-more...;)

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My first death met me in Lexington'a central lane near, where the statue is located! I got sneak nuke-shot by a stalking raider, that were sitting between two buildings' roofs with a turret installed on one of them on the huge billboard sign's catwalk equipped and ready with a fatman! I didn't even get to realize what hit me, all i've heard was a deadly whistling sound and it was too late to hide, i realized i'm screwed up right the next moment! Damn...Enemies equipped with Fatmen are deadly as hell in this game! You better hope you never get spotted by them or else...its a death sentence! LOL You got to hit them first to stand a chance!...

Edited by KovNik2015
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Pretty much the first time a radscorpion teleported instantaneously through solid rock to appear directly under my feet. I can't wait for the G.E.C.K. to make a serious alteration to this...



And strange how they always attack from behind... cowards.


Not to mention the fact that Ghouls are always sleeping when you arrive...


And the serious Molotov spamming of the various raiders.. while if you kill them they only have 1 left, if you're lucky ?... right. First thing i do when starting a new game, is give myself some serious fire protection.. which renders Molotov's utterly useless.. serves them right.


And what's with the ridiculous staggers all the time, from just about anything... so you cant even fire back ?..... really ?.... "You died from game mechanics.."


To name a few things you can easily die from, that have nothing to do with any skill..

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My first death met me in Lexington'a central lane near, where the statue is located! I got sneak nuke-shot by a stalking raider, that were sitting between two buildings' roofs with a turret installed on one of them on the huge billboard sign's catwalk equipped and ready with a fatman! I didn't even get to realize what hit me, all i've heard was a deadly whistling sound and it was too late to hide, i realized i'm screwed up right the next moment! Damn...Enemies equipped with Fatmen are deadly as hell in this game! You better hope you never get spotted by them or else...its a death sentence! LOL You got to hit them first to stand a chance!...


Boomer's.. yeah.. they lend a few from L4D... lol... And them suicide mutants ?... carry mini nukes.. so they are in fact walking boomer's...


Seems a bit dumb to me to blow up your own food... but hey.. like i heard in game: "If dumb and stupid had a child ?.. it'l be a super mutant.."

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