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Flashing Load Screen


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Okay, so, I posted on the Bethesda Forums for Steam, and have gotten 1 response that didn't fix the issue at all.


(Change bFull Screen=0 to bFull Screen=1 -> This didn't fix the problem, and was the only solution I saw)


When I start up the game, I have the ability to set the screen.


When I set it to Full Screen, the game loads, but doesn't switch it to the main window. As soon as I click on the game, it begins to strobe out. Main title screen still loads, but it's strobing like crazy.


I tried doing it on every one of the different Resolution levels, and I either got a strobe effect, or the screen remained black and the game "Stopped Responding."


My tech specs follow the requirements and I have the updated patch for my Drivers and the game itself.


I can run the game in Windowed, Borderless on Ultra with no drop in Frame Rate, but it won't play in full screen.


Any idea what's going on?

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