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A "CASM" just like Fallout NV


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I don't know if this sounds dumb, or it's already been done. But I would love to see a "Casm" to save my game because i'm not always looking at my pip-boy and fast traveling. I have been set back a decent amount of times because i'm too focused on the game to save it, even to do a quicksave.

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they made 5 minutes the minumum, I have changed in in the ini, but yet to play since doing so. I believe you have to 'read-only' the ini files to keep those changes.


CASM was amazing tho; probably a simple port once the GECK is out.

Believe you're right on the Read Only. The game starts the launcher even if you click or create a shortcut directly to the main .exe file and the launcher overwrites your ini file(s). Hopefully that will change when we get a mod manager and script extender with their alternative starts and the launcher can be bypassed.

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  • 2 years later...

I would also like to see a CASM alike mod for Fallout4.


The thing about CASM is that it is not just an Autosaver, it saves automatically the game when various ingame events happen.


For example, before a battle, when you pull up your gun, when you level up, when you find a new location, etc etc

and you can set a max amount of saves,, for example 30, and it saves in loop, so when you have 30 saves, the oldest file is erased for the newest one. Like that you wont have like me a 5gb save folder with more that 1.000 saves xD


Those are only the automatic saves, if you make a manual save you still can, and that one wont be erased..


A mod like this for Fallout 4 would be great! Even better if it could make auto saves during Workshop construction, or when entering and exiting Workshop mod, etc


But this mod is not as easy as just porting the old one with the new CK I think.. The events and the scripts have changed so it would be a littile more complicated than that.

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