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More armor and outfits layered/moddable


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Hi there

I was wondering whether it would be possible to make some of the outfits/armors moddable? I understand that the reason for only a few of the armors to be moddable in the base game is the issues of clipping but there are some mods that would work with different types. For example, you have the drifter outfit - the gray belted trench coat - which would work with shoulders, chest and thigh mods. However, all the slots are locked with that particular outfit. Same thing goes for the travelling leather coat and some others.

I believe that this is something that is gonna eventually be made, but maybe there is an easy way to do it already? Enable the modding via cheat engine or the ingame console or to tinker with some of the armor stats?

Thanks :)

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yeah, ever since the game release Ive been looking for some layered coat only to later realize - via cheats sadly, that there isnt one. The Spike/Cage/Drifter armor are almost good enough, but they all have some parts that are really not nice to look at. Not to mention that the stats are crap, because you cant improve any of them.

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If you use the coc qasmoke command in the console prompt you are ported to a location with every item inbtge game. (Type in coc ufocrashsite to get back). And there isnt anything, you can mod the road and raider leather, vault suits, longjohns, two BOS uniforms and thats it.


Its a missed oppprtunity. Oh well, gonna finish the game with the mcready duster which has 5 dmg resistance.


Hopefully someone will figure something out :)

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