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-Mod Wishlist- (what would "you" like to see in f4 ?)


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i'm wondering what's on your top ten list for mods you want to be in Fallout 4.


  1. Restore New Vegas / FO3 style dialogue, and allow for adding more dialogue options than just 4.
  2. Death Alternative style mod
  3. Tatoos and scars for arms, legs, scalp - everywhere
  4. Immersive First Person
  5. Alternate starts (If possible, anyway)
  6. Damage Threshold on armor instead of straight percentage damage reduction (tank pistols, die to RPGs)
  7. Configurable hardcore mode (I want to eat, drink and sleep, but I'd also like to save.)
  8. More Perks that are PERKS, damnit.
  9. Expanded and extended plotlines / missions for main factions


Gah, nexus forums ate my reply so I can't be bothered retyping every single thing again.


I'm at work right now lol so you'll have to search for the mods yourself sorry, but...


Dialogue wheel was pissing me off as well but thank our lucky stars there's the new dialogue interface - you know know what you're actually going to say and no longer have to worry about going full Cole Phelps when you just wanted a cookie. It also allows you the option of either keeping options in the dialogue wheel layout or the classic menu. Unfortunately it seems that the number of dialogue options is hardcoded, unless in the far future F4SE somehow happens to be able to mess with it. I'm doubtful though as the GECK shows that dialogue is fixed to 4 options. Anyone who has more experience with dialogue and the FO4 GECK feel free to correct this though.


Death alternative style? Whuzzat...at work so I can't really search for that too lol


Enhanced FP camera...possibly, although from what I can see, there's going to be issues. The T-60's torso is hueg like xbox


There's already a damage threshold framework and patcher mod. The framework is for getting DT in the first place, the patcher uses a script to create an esp that applies DT to armours and creatures. Since this is a script this means it works with custom armours. The cherry on top is that there's leftover stuff in the game that indicated that DT was to be implemented at one point - specifically, NPCs will flee if their intended victim has a DT higher than their weapon's damage. Couple this with that mod that gives vertibirds DT and you can laugh as you unleash a hail of lead while they run in terror.


There's a mod floating around that allows you to save while in hardcore, however it doesn't enable quicksaving. Using the hotkeys mod should be able to get around this - I figure if it lets you wait anywhere you want just by pressing a key, it should quicksave if you bind a key to the quicksave command.


Perks are an interesting one due to the different system in this game. It seems like they'll have to be added as ranks to the existing perks, or perhaps implemented via F4SE. I'm not a full on expert so not much idea, just basing this off what I know, which isn't that much.


Would restoring cut quests count for expanding/extending plotlines? There's a mod that restores a cut BoS ending where you'd get promoted to sentinel or something. Can't recall the details but it's on the nexus.

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Death alternative style? Whuzzat...at work so I can't really search for that too lol


Would restoring cut quests count for expanding/extending plotlines? There's a mod that restores a cut BoS ending where you'd get promoted to sentinel or something. Can't recall the details but it's on the nexus.


Death Alternative was something from Skyrim that basically meant that when you 'died', you didn't actually die. Instead, you wound up bleeding and naked on a road somewhere with all your money gone. Or rescued by kindly travellers or something. Either way, it would allow you to play on harder game difficulties without having to repeatedly reload a saved game and break immersion. Plus, ideally the chance of a GOOD outcome would be based on the proximity and status of nearby settlements (their defense, population etc) and your progress with certain factions (Institute teleports you back when you go down, BoS sends out Casevac). If you have a high relationship with a companion, they're likely to come out looking for you.


As for quests, I was thinking more custom quests with new NPCs. Just stuff to tie various factions together post-MQ, depending on your ending. You went Brotherhood? Help get them to see eye to eye with the Minutemen, getting the BoS to train Minutemen, or have BoS be on call to defent settlements in exchange for food (and finally someone else can deal with Preston's requests...). Did you go Institute? Work on fixing their public image by becoming head of PR! Or just abduct everyone and be a dick. Railroad? Use your status as SAVIOUR OF EVERYTHING to try to get Synths reintegrated into society, or hunt down any remaining Coursers or... something.


Did you go Minutemen and betray everyone? Well, s***.

Edited by Athanasa
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Easy City down settlement Eager Ernie and all robots survive


i am aware of following two mods



but none seems to provide what i am looking for


i want to settle at easy city down and want to keep eager ernie as settler there

the racingrobots should survive too and if possible robotworkbench ready to keep the racing fun

the quest Raider Troubles at Nordhagen Beach which u get from preston should ofcourse be replaced or removed


i wouldn't mind if the whole city would be friendly right at the start just remove all the raider and triggerman there


it should work like vanilla settlements like getting attacked, preston telling you that they have trouble, recruitmentbeacon fully functioning and everything else


i know, i know we already have like too many settlements in the base game but easy city down just looks like far more fun than every other settlement commentary

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A few things I'd like to see:


1) The complete removal of the quick save option from the main menu. I can't count the amount of times I've accidentally hit quick save without meaning or wanting to. I've never relied on it, and never will. I just don't trust that feature.


2) A mod that makes Dogmeat actually follow you, rather than going wherever your cross hair happens to point. It'd be nice if there was a way to help prevent him from getting in the way so much.


2a) I'd also kill for another Kick Dogmeat mod. Perhaps if you abuse him too much, he'll go aggro on you and/or leave your company forever (essential tag would need to be removed for this to realistically work).


3) This may sound a little odd, but I want a mod that makes settlements much more rare, yet make the ones still left, more meaningful and larger. I really despise having to manage three dozen one and two person settlements. If we could just eliminate those types, I'd be far happier. I'm not here to play Fallout, just so I can manage the happiness of 3 dozen settlements forever and ever and ever.


4) Too many legenday creatures with as useless as tits on a bull drops. I'd love to have less (meaning fairly rare) of these types of encounters, yet have those remaining to be a tougher challenge. Legendary ought to be just that, not something you find around every single corner. It kinda loses it's meaning when you have too many legendary encounters like we have in this game.




EDIT: One more thing. I want one of these in game. I have one IRL, and love it. It'd be great if we could have one in game too.

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Honestly I've no clue at all as to why Bethesda didn't just build on NV - multiple ammo types was wonderful, so wonderful in fact that Bethesda decided to replace them with legendary weapons that end up behaving more like magical items from a fantasy game instead of a post-nuclear one, with effects like doing more damage to X creature/race, etc. I want my match grade ammo back ;-; and irradiated weapons...why not depleted uranium bullets? There's nuclear material to use, could craft some radioactive bullets...sure from a muh immershun perspective it's complete rubbish but this is a universe with giant roaches and super mutant hos. Plus the word immersive is overused anyway to the point that people make mods mocking this...


Another thing - is it just me or does nobody in the entire Boston area sell weapon/armour mods? Arturo has a freaking two shot fat man but is the sahara desert when it comes to looking for weapon mods. I'm not sure if scripting can ensure that people can't just make mods to sell them off for caps (i.e. massively inflate the prices so vendors will sell a missile launcher scope for several hundred caps but the player will only be able to sell it for 20 caps or something like that)


Maybe sometime in the future F4SE will have functions to allow effects to be applied to projectiles/ammo - last time I checked the F4 GECK I couldn't see any fields to add scripts/magic effects to projectiles. My memory is quite fuzzy though so I may be completely wrong about this however.


Regarding pump shotguns...the Wasteland Imports (formerly Mojave Imports) plans to bring back weapons from the past games - including weapons from New Vegas) so it's likely that we'll see the hunting shotgun return, assuming Bethesda didn't lock down custom animation creation like Fort Knox.


I like how Fallout 4 improved the combat mechanics (I hardly ever used melee in the gamebryo Fallouts - it's pretty damn fun in Fallout 4, and gun handling is pretty sweet too), I really do, but I just don't get why Bethesda didn't build on top of the existing framework that New Vegas had set...for one thing, why campfires scattered randomly around Boston can't be used to cook stuff while only ones with a pot hanging over a fire, surrounded by cinderblocks can I've no idea...

Edited by Bottletopman
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All of these ideas are for console (ps4 specifically as it's what i got).


i. Commonwealth Express Dropbox - like in FNV so i can send weapons, armour, aid, etc to different settlements without having to lug em around manually.


ii. More Customization of Under Clothing - I would love to use the BOS uniform or wet suit but I can't upgrade them and vault suit is always the better choice tactically.


iii. More Under Clothing - And while we're at it more clothing that can be worn under armour.


iv. Settler Naming/Titling - I would love to call my head settlement guard Warden or Chief and his underlings Guard, Sentry, Sentinel, etc. And maybe start families by naming settlers the same and assigning the, to s[specific beds in specific houses.


v. Settlement Marriage - And while we're at it again how bout a settlement romance options (they do it in fallout shelter) where settlers who hang out after working the fields or shops grow to care and love and eventually marry. A Preacher could be designated (already have pastor vestments or maybe even Pastor Clements from All faiths Chapel in Diamond City could be called to preform the ceremony).


vi. Settlement Notice Board - So the big wedding is coming up! how would you know? Maybe a settlement notice board where all events and goings on could be posted.


vii. Misc. is Not Everything! - please change it so notes, holotapes, quest items, magazines, bobbleheads etc. are all seperate or at least sorted by type


viii. New Item and Read/Unread - and while we're at that please signify if a note or holotape has been read or if its new since you last checked your inventory


ix. Dogmeat Plays With Junkyard Dog - Love to see Dogmeat playing with other settlement dogs. Playing tug of ware with teddy bear, chasing each other, wrestling, sleeping in a dogpile if you have multiple dogs.


x. More Settlement Assignments - Maybe you could assign them to cooking stations, bars, deck em out in mechanic coveralls and assign them to the power armour bay, etc.


xi. Sole Survivor Nemesis - How bout a nemesis for the PC, like Kaga from Fallout 2. Maybe a raider he leaves for dead but comes back for vengeance at set or random intervals.


xii. Evil Faction Caravans - Maybe you can find out about raiders moving stolen settlement goods, a super mutant kidnap victim transport, or a Gunner ammo convoy and set up ambush.


I will add to this as I think of more, also if someone has suggested something similar before I apologize, I didn't intentionally steal it.

Edited by Hannasazi
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