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Everything posted by Athanasa

  1. I'm personally waiting for some sort of 'death alternative' mod to kick in when you die. So sometimes, you don't die - you just go unconscious. Maybe companions or factions rescue you (or loot you and leave you to die). I'd love to play with these super realism mods, but I find the default "death" screen completely immersion breaking. If I die in third person, don't drag me to third person to show me buggy ragdoll physics. Dim the screen, fade to black. The whole "reload and go again" combined with the terrible death screen becomes extra irritating. Especially if your last save was ages ago. TLDR: Give me a safety net so I can go full realism without it becoming reload spam.
  2. I think I saw it mentioned somewhere that enemies are coded to run away from things they can't hurt. Damage threshold and suitably weak 'per shot' damage from NPCs would likely cause them to do no damage, this triggering run away mode.
  3. Renaming variables is hardly rewriting code. Variables are meant to make sense for the person working with them. On the one hand, that'd be fine if they were only there for Bethesda's use. However, as modding is supported and outright encouraged, it would make sense to SORT YOUR DAMN VARIABLE NAMES.
  4. Huh. I actually never even saw it as worship when I played. As I see it, the shrines - while people in skyrim might believe then to be religious - are basically buff vending machines. If you go out of your way to go against the teachings of a deity in the game, do their shrines change how they buff you? Nope. Not in the slightest. IMO they're conduits of magical power that people have decided to associate with divine forces (and the gods aren't discouraging it because egos), rather than being divine by nature. Or, take a Terry Pratchett view: Acknowledging the existence of gods (although most are daedra or other extra-planar beings rather than GODS) is not the same thing to worshipping them. Using an iPhone doesn't make you an Apple fan, driving a VW doesn't make you German. Wishing someone Merry Christmas doesn't make you Christian. Grabbing a buff from a stone that dispenses magic at a poke does not make you worship it.
  5. Wow. What a dick move. Before you mob me with hate, let me explain! Nexus hosts mods for free. Donations are optional. Isn't it specifically against TOS to beg for donations? A "if you like, feel free to donate!" is fine, but "donate or I take down my mods and leave" is not. That's basically paid mods. Quite apart from that, some careful thought and wording could have gotten them their donations! "I am no longer maintaining / updating these mods as I need to work to eat." Not a blatant PAY ME, but a semi subtle reminder that they don't / can't make a living from mods alone / need to spend time otherwise spent modding on work.
  6. Assuming you draw the line WRT worshipping to just the buff shrines and joining cults, what is the need to remove these objects? From a role-playing point of view, let the NPCs of the world have their gods. Do you have to follow these gods because you are there? No. Are you forced to interact with the shrines? ... Not that I know of? Would the shrines be acceptable if they were texture swapped and renamed something non-religious? With their affect explained as some sort of magical artefact buff? If the context is changed, is it alright? I'm genuinely curious where the line is drawn, and why it is drawn where it is. Would Taqiyya have a part in this? I admittedly understand nothing of it, but would it justify some actions as a "means to an end" (eg progress far enough in a cult based quest line through pretending to be interested, only to wipe out the entire cult)?
  7. What Gruffydd said. Also, some off the graphical mods actually reduce system strain by fixing broken / ridiculous texture sizes in the vanilla game.
  8. It might be easier to 'just' go into Boston and start deleting different bits of hidden / negligible crap. A massive pile of trash inside a building with only the edge poking out? Delete it. An entire tree underground so just the branches poke out to look like dead saplings? Delete it. Walls INSIDE unenterable buildings? Delete them. Highly detailed roofs you can't reach without noclip or jetpacks? Clear it. A flat, unreachable roof made up of multiple high res sections? Delete loads, scale up the existing roof part. It'll probably look the same from a distance anyway. Although I'm not sure how well deleting works - disable, maybe? Either way, go in and brutally strip down the areas. Maybe it won't look so good with all the additional 'flavour trash' around, but I'm sure careful edits could avoid it (e.g space trash out using half the amount, rather than piling models on each other). ... Tempted to try, but I have no idea where to start. I have a horrible suspicion that touching any vanilla stuff might cause conflicts galore.
  9. There aren't any cats in the Institute that I know of though.Replace cats with toddlers. Arguably more destructive, and you can't get away with 'accidentally' locking them outside overnight.
  10. I'd be surprised if the wasn't one already. Then again, it seems to all be huskies or wolves. Having said that, Dogmeat would definitely reminds me of a collie. Stunningly bright one moment, thick as a brick the next (and standing in doorways).
  11. As a cat owner, those toilet rolls are positioned correctly to minimise chances of spontaneous cat based bogroll disassembly.
  12. Scarcity, yes, but not to the extent of farming mutfruits etc. Although OP may want idealised pre-war, rather than reality. For a start, the following Wasteland staples didn't even exist pre-war. Mutfruit Tato Brahmin (Probably more.) Now, there are four primary ways to approach this. 1) Don't have farming, set food to max or something by default 2) Continue to use out of place Wasteland produce 3) Remodel and retexture variants for prewar plants 4) Use everything but the above plants
  13. Due to food requirements for settlers (and the logical issues of having supply lines / materials and provisioners popping in and out of VR) might it be better for the Settlement to actually be more like a player home or something? Then again, I've got it into my head that you want this to be pre-war themed. So all the struggles around food and water from normal settlements shouldn't apply.
  14. Why not base it in Memory Den? There's a ghoul in there that basically lives in his past anyway. Modify one of those babies (in terms of software, not actual Nexus style modding) and away you go.
  15. Are you alright? There's no monster PC that can render Fallout 4 scenes twice, at once.See, now you'll get someone arguing that they could manage it on a server which is technically a computer so you're wrong... Or some bollocks.
  16. Perhaps these 'weak' mods are the first products of people learning the tools. Unfortunately, they'll probably be swarmed with negative responses until they give up and quit. Especially if their first forays into the world of modding is to have their first attempt criticized for not being a massive game changer.
  17. The deciding factors for me (not that I've made any mods) would be the following... 1. Do I have the skills and/or software needed? 1a. Do I think I will be able to learn/acquire this? 1b. Do I have the time to learn / acquire this? 2. Might I be able to get other people to help in the areas I will struggle with? 2a. Do I have the time and energy to do the networking required, build relationships necessary to work together and communicate myself so I can trust these other persons to understand on work towards the same goal? 3. How long will the mod take? 3a. Do I have the time to make it? Sadly, it usually falls down at the time/energy phases. Do I have ideas? Yes. Can I picture how they would work, and even describe them in pseudocode? Yes. Could I do mind-maps and flow diagrams for the mod ideas? Yes, and for some I have. ... But do I have the time and energy? No.
  18. Struggling to understand what you're saying here exactly. Am I right in thinking that you're offering to basically make texture designs (not the actual textures themselves, but the images people could use to MAKE textures) for characters in the game? If so, you could make this a 'modders resource' and upload it to Nexus, allowing modders interested to easily access your designs to incorporate into their mods (crediting you for the tattoo art, of course).
  19. All valid points, but sadly worded far too subjectively (with angry CAPSLOCK and borderline personal attacks) rather that clear, succinct and objective statements. I agree with the sentiment but not the execution.
  20. Potentially true for some sort of wider organisation, but not the new irradiated mole hill in the Commonwealth.
  21. Google? Sadly, Google can't answer most things involving CK - the wiki is woefully inadequate.
  22. You're not stupid for asking, you're brave. The stupid option is when you've identified the lack of required knowledge... And then done nothing about it. Joe's answer is both correct and incorrect. Mod managers help to download mods (in-game menu seems to rely on Bethesda.net or something, never used it myself) but there are also numerous other steps required to get mods to actually activate. I'm pretty sure there were some .ini edits to make, and a while back you had to prefix every mod in the loadorder with a * as well. I'm not sure what the required settings are currently, so you're probably better off quickly googling "how to enable modding in FO4".
  23. Chances are it's a combination of many reasons that we haven't had this made into a widely available mod yet... ⢠Previous attempts predated CK ⢠It may actually be fairly simple, but lack of documentation for CK hinders people with no modding existence from making it ⢠"Pro" modders have possibly become so involved in modding they've basically moved away from the plot and it's companions, so the idea has slipped from their minds ⢠Alternately, they're so fed up of the way FO4's plot is set up that they're just avoiding it and hoping it goes away (can't blame them) ⢠Maybe some modders want too make it, but they also want to do a good job of it - not a quick and dirty snip of some factions and scripts. Maybe they want to add in some audio lines, or remove others. Imagine X6 talking about how great the Institute is constantly AFTER it's been destroyed. It's like Danse muttering about the Brotherhood all over again, but making even less sense. Danse you can sort of get away with - even expelled from the BoS he follows their ideals and they still exist. For him, it makes sense. It may seem sad to some, but at least he isn't entirely delusional. Not so much for X6 when the Institute is destroyed.
  24. Survival options. Still technically puts you into survival mode, but it lets you tweak the options / numbers. Also gives you a quick save item.
  25. I use survival options, which I believe provides you with an item that you add to your favourites. When 'used' this item causes your game to autosave / quicksave. My files have been fine fine it so far.
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