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PC controls modifier desperately needed!


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The controls in FO4 are not fully re-mappable. Which doesn't hurt the WSAD players much but everyone else suffers big time. For instance, changing USE to RETURN is fine for picking objects up from the floor but then inside the pipboy or workbench or looting a container, the use key is still E.


And if you change the directional keys to cursor keys for instance, or EDSF, then lockpicking is still stuck on A & D.


Also, I usually bind numpad 0 to jump, but that is "reserved" for stimpaks >.<


There are many problems like this.. too many to go into. But for me, this makes the game a real SOB to play as I have used old fashioned cursor keys and return since WOLF3D / DOOM. I don't want to debate which is better.. personally.. I think that anything that is symmetrical is better, and with using the cursor keys it is almost impossible to hit another key by mistake..


But I hope someone can come up with a way to change these settings, as there are a LOT of people who would agree with me here! I for one, would be extremely grateful!!



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I've been keeping up with modders on this subject and it sounds like the usual file for changing this is MIA and the other one that might have it is encrypted with security currently, basically until the extension script guys beat the new format into submission were stuck with it.

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Temporary workaround until either Bethesda makes a patch allowing for rebinding of the whole right side of the keyboard or until a UI mod gets made. There are mod authors working on this issue.




My setup for that until we get proper keybinds:


; Default Azerty controls
up::w ; Forward
down::s ; Back
left::a ; Strafe Left
right::d ; Strafe Right
LButton::LButton ; Attack
RButton::RButton ; Aim/Block
PgDn::Alt ; Bash/Powerattack/Grenade
Enter::e ; Activate
r::r ; Reload
Tab::Tab ; Pip-boy
MButton::MButton ; Change POV/Workshop
v::v ; Change POV/Workshop (bis)
Numpad0::Space ; Jump
RCtrl::Shift ; Sprint
q::q ; VATS
LCtrl::LCtrl ; Sneak
c::c ; Run/Walk
NumpadSub::CapsLock ; Toggle Run/Walk;because I always seem to hit that key when entering Vats and not notice
x::x ; Automove
f::f ; Favorites
F5::F5 ; Quicksave
F9::F9 ; Quickload
Esc::Esc ; Pause
k::k ; Stats
i::i ; Inventory
j::j ; Data
m::m ; Map
o::o ; Radio


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I've been keeping up with modders on this subject and it sounds like the usual file for changing this is MIA and the other one that might have it is encrypted with security currently, basically until the extension script guys beat the new format into submission were stuck with it.


Yes I noticed the ini files are pretty useless in FO4.. I really hope they are quick patching these things. I don't understand why we have to do this dance in every single game they make.. they should know better by now!


Temporary workaround until either Bethesda makes a patch allowing for rebinding of the whole right side of the keyboard or until a UI mod gets made. There are mod authors working on this issue.




My setup for that until we get proper keybinds:


; Default Azerty controls

up::w ; Forward

down::s ; Back

left::a ; Strafe Left

right: :D ; Strafe Right





LButton::LButton ; Attack

RButton::RButton ; Aim/Block

PgDn::Alt ; Bash/Powerattack/Grenade

Enter::e ; Activate

r::r ; Reload

Tab::Tab ; Pip-boy

MButton::MButton ; Change POV/Workshop

v::v ; Change POV/Workshop (bis)

Numpad0::Space ; Jump

RCtrl::Shift ; Sprint

q::q ; VATS

LCtrl::LCtrl ; Sneak

c::c ; Run/Walk

NumpadSub::CapsLock ; Toggle Run/Walk;because I always seem to hit that key when entering Vats and not notice

x::x ; Automove

f::f ; Favorites

F5::F5 ; Quicksave

F9::F9 ; Quickload

Esc::Esc ; Pause

k::k ; Stats

i::i ; Inventory

j::j ; Data

m::m ; Map

o::o ; Radio



Nice, I thought about using a similar program but this saves me doing any research! I usually use backspace as reload too. notice you kept yours as R? Does this also fix the problem where you can open the inventory with "I" but then have to close it with "tab"? Gah.. so annoying. Also back in FO3/NV you could close ALL menus with ESC. I want that back too! This will do for now though cheers!


EDIT: Tried autohotkey but when I run the script the systtray icon appears for a split second and disappears. Can't seem to get it to work..

Edited by Trueblue1878
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I left the letter keys alone because it will make using the console near impossible. That doesn't actually do any rebinding or fix anything it uses the Windows Hotkey system to fool the game into thinking you hit a particular key. In my case when I hit Up Arrow to move forward it tells the game I am hitting W. You can still rebind keys in the game, I put sneak onto Delete where I always have sneak/crouch freeing up left control for the Ctrl+arrow for speech and crafting. You would rebind any of the letter keys in the game if you use the console.


As for why it's not working, I don't really know much about it and cant help ya.

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Ok thanks I got it working. I didn't know you had to keep Azerty controls in there too otherwise it won't load it.


I am just wondering now, what I should do about movement inside build mode? Cursor keys no longer work for that.. Would adding 4 more lines and reversing it to W::UP S::Down and so on work or will that cause a problem?


Also I noticed you can temporarily disable the hotkeys by right clicking AutoHotKey and "Suspend Hotkeys". This will make console work normal while you need it. Which is what I have been doing when building but its becoming annoying to alt/tab all the time!




I left the letter keys alone because it will make using the console near impossible. That doesn't actually do any rebinding or fix anything it uses the Windows Hotkey system to fool the game into thinking you hit a particular key. In my case when I hit Up Arrow to move forward it tells the game I am hitting W. You can still rebind keys in the game, I put sneak onto Delete where I always have sneak/crouch freeing up left control for the Ctrl+arrow for speech and crafting. You would rebind any of the letter keys in the game if you use the console.


As for why it's not working, I don't really know much about it and cant help ya.

Edited by Trueblue1878
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In my example it is control plus arrow key. I hold down the ctrl button and hit the arrow keys to browse menus like normal.




Add those four lines to it and make sure one ctrl is unbound. I rebound sneak in the game to delete so Lctrl is open, I hold it down with my left hand and use the arrow keys with my right. If you reverse it then that adds more problems to your console. R and T seem to be the ones most used when playing and those could be rebound to one of the other keys on the right hand side like [::R and ]::T, you just need to be creative and pick keys that are not used in the console.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Friend,


For some reason..R Shift + Arrow keys seem to move through the construction menu without adding that to the settings file.


Does this work for you too?


If there is ever a mod or anything made to fix this better please drop me a PM! But this method works fine for now, apart from not being able to console or chat in steam overlay.. mild annoyance compared to being forced to use WSAD.


Cheers! :smile:


In my example it is control plus arrow key. I hold down the ctrl button and hit the arrow keys to browse menus like normal.




Add those four lines to it and make sure one ctrl is unbound. I rebound sneak in the game to delete so Lctrl is open, I hold it down with my left hand and use the arrow keys with my right. If you reverse it then that adds more problems to your console. R and T seem to be the ones most used when playing and those could be rebound to one of the other keys on the right hand side like [::R and ]::T, you just need to be creative and pick keys that are not used in the console.


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