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Music when playing MW


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Right now I use the soundtracks to Princess Mononoke and Onimusha Warlords.

If I could figure out a way to get it off of the cd, the soundtrack to Doom for the Panasonic 3DO would be awesome!! Heavy metal but without the words!



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I know someone close who works at Microsoft and is one of the directors on the xbox team. I have sent him along your question, and will post his response when he gets back to me. If there is anyine who knows the answer to this, it should be him.


Gimpy - do you use that on the x-box or the PC?

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Probably no. Since you can't really edit things on the xbox, I imagine music is in that category.

Actually, customizable sound tracks are supposed to be a feature of the xbox. Beyond that I don't know much except that it is game-specific. In other words, the game has to support it.

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Well... I'm on Xbox so I can't really select my music for most games. But if I COULD for Morrowind, I would probably pick Franco Un-American for just walking around, 13 Stitches for battles, and than Seperation of the Church and Skate for special.


NOFX kicks ass!


(Edit, I forgot to look at the second page) Do you all not own any Xbox games other than Morrowind? There are like 20 or so games that you can use (as they call on the back of the Xbox game box) "customizable soundtracks". I only know of a few off the top of my head. They are "Midtown Madness 3", "Tony Hawk's Underground", "Amped", and "Amped 2". All you have to do is put in a cd and then go to copy (below play button). Then select the tracks you want to copy and then select copy and than make a new soundtrack on the hard drive or use an existing one. Then let it copy. It won't take that long. For a fourty minute cd, it took about five minutes to copy all of it. So it is pretty fast. Than pull out your cd, and put in the game that has "customizable tracks". Then go to (most often) options, then sound options. Than the game usually has a Soundtrack. It will be for like "Tony Hawk's Underground' "T.H.U.G. Soundtack". So than just select the name of the soundtrack you downlouded the music onto and then you now have your music on it. And you cannot do this on Morrowind. Not even on GotY (Bethesda, start working harder than just putting in all the stuff from other games on the pc). Now, start playing OTHER games than Morrowind on your Xbox so you can answer this question in the future.

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