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Req 'bug fix' Sanctuary Border


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Yeah, so... I was messing around in Sanctuary today when I noticed something that seems... I don't know. Sloppy is too nice a word. Most of the borders in Sanctuary are okay. A mild annoyance in some areas, but this one area in particular is just horrible.


I'm not sure if the borders can be altered without the GECK, sadly probably not, but if anyone could work magic with it I'd love you guys.




as you can see in the screen shot, for some reason these sections of fence are outside the border when they shouldn't be. They are obviously part of the Sanctuary settlement. It's bad enough that I have this one piece that's floating and refuses to delete.


I've even tried selecting the pieces and using 'disable' or even 'mark for delete' codes, but when clicking on one of the objects in the console you get the error 'you selected an item without a ref ID' or something along those lines. So you can't even fix it that way.


But hell, if anyone knows a work around or something I'm not thinking of. Please.. anything that can help. XD Floating fence pieces are not fun.

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