lethielnyrond Posted November 13, 2015 Share Posted November 13, 2015 (edited) Okay. I'm running Skyrim on an i3 laptop with integrated graphics (stop laughing, it's the only working computer I've got) and mostly it works okay, but I've added a bunch of mods and now it's crashing every time I walk through a door or, you know, run anywhere. Skyrim Performance Monitor tells me it's only using 1 Gb of RAM. The machine has six. I know it can't use more than two, but is there anything I can do to get it to do that and if so will it help? I'd prefer not to have to ditch the mods, since they are the most interesting part of what would otherwise be a pretty but dull hack'n'slash-fest, so if there is a way to avoid that I would be grovellingly grateful. Lethiel Edited November 13, 2015 by lethielnyrond Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thallassa Posted November 14, 2015 Share Posted November 14, 2015 SKSE memory patch and ENBoost.http://wiki.step-project.com/Skyrim_Script_Extenderhttp://wiki.step-project.com/ENBoost#Recommendations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lethielnyrond Posted November 14, 2015 Author Share Posted November 14, 2015 Thank you. I've been Googling this problem for so long I'm tired of typing "skyrim memory," but never looked at the STEP site. I read that if I had the latest SKSE I wouldn't have any problems; I didn't realise the .ini file was left as an exercise for the student. I read about ENBs to make your Skyrim look blue, or pink, or whatever, but even now I don't know what ENB stands for and didn't realise everyone needed ENBoost. Only one problem. I've followed the instructions to the letter and now the damned thing won't start at all. Correction: if I load a save from within my home, that starts okay, I just can't leave. Starting from anywhere else...just doesn't. Sigh. Back to the old drawing board. Start a new game, use MO instead of NMM (what can I say, I was young and foolish) and try to win back to where I am now. Or hope someone has a decent computer they don't need... Thanks for your help anyway. I am sadder but wiser. Lethiel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thallassa Posted November 14, 2015 Share Posted November 14, 2015 Aww... We should be able to get your old game to load... assuming you didn't change anything besides SKSE and ENB! Those memory fixes *shouldn't* cause it to not load... It's really disappointing to lose an old game.ENB doesn't stand for anything by the way ... I think it's the initials of Boris's favorite childhood anime character or something. But basically what it is, is a number of bugfixes and graphics enhancements that can occur outside of the main skyrim engine. I've written more detail about that here. You can use the bugfixes without the graphics enhancement (which is ENBoost), and it's a great stability increase for basically everyone. STEP is a really great guide for using MO. If you're determined that save is a loss and you want to make the switch, I also prefer this guide. It's a bit simpler than STEP because it doesn't give you a long list of mods to install along with all the instructions, which is good if you already know what you want to install and you just need to know how to make it work properly! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lethielnyrond Posted November 14, 2015 Author Share Posted November 14, 2015 Well, I've done it. I've nuked my entire Skyrim install and I'm starting again, and this time I'm going to follow your advice and do it right. With MO rather than NMM I should (I think) be able to tell when a mod is causing problems and get it out without too much fiddling. I just need to make a note of which ones I really can't do without, and put them in one at a time. I'm looking at it as an opportunity. When I started last time, I hadn't got the hang of the menu system, so I had no control over generating my character, and he ended up looking like a ruthless, sadistic South American terrorist. Later, with showracemenu, I managed to turn him into a venal, incompetent South American terrorist, but it'll be good to start again from scratch knowing what I know. Now I just have to wait for it to finish redownloading... Lethiel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lethielnyrond Posted November 15, 2015 Author Share Posted November 15, 2015 Okay, I am a moron. I waited nine hours for Skyrim to download and install, and I was step-by-stepping through the beginners' guide, and something unexpected happened. The Bashed Patch showed up in the Overwrite folder, along with something called "Docs," and TES5Edit Backups, and I wasn't really sure what I was doing with TES5Edit Backups, and I didn't find it till I'd already cleaned Update.esm, and while I was thrashing around and going back over the instructions I stupidly deleted Update.esm, and now I have to go through the whole damn download again and I didn't even get to play the damn game, Crying with frustration is not an essential part of a happy gaming experience. Nobody's fault but my own, obviously. I'm having Steam verify the integrity of the game cache now, but I expect the response will amount to "Phthpppbbbt you're an idiot start again." We'll see. I could always go back to losing at Spider Solitaire. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lethielnyrond Posted November 15, 2015 Author Share Posted November 15, 2015 *blush* Steam came through and I'm back on track and being very very careful. I'll start rebuilding my mod list tomorrow. Sorry for hysterical babbling, and thank you for your patience. Lethiel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thallassa Posted November 15, 2015 Share Posted November 15, 2015 Ah, sorry I didn't respond sooner! You can get those files back without having to re-download the whole game! In steam, right click on Skyrim, go to "local files" and "verify integrity of game cache." It'll scan for which files you're missing and download just those. In the future, simply create a new mod... So here's MO"s secret - all those "mods" are just windows folders associated with MO. You can navigate to them using windows explorer and it's a LOT easier to move stuff around. So you'll want to go to mod organizer/mods using windows explorer, create new folders and name them for each of your cleaned masters and one for the bashed patch, and then move everything from your "update" folder into the appropriate folder. Then refresh MO (there's a button in the top left or you can restart it). It should immediately recognize what you've done and you'll have all the new mod folders you need. They'll automatically go to the bottom of the list so you'll have to drag them into the correct location. Hope that helps! Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chanchan05 Posted November 15, 2015 Share Posted November 15, 2015 The problem here is the lack of graphics memory. Your graphics chip will be using your RAM as well for memory, then the RAM needed to play the game as well. So you'd really have to pic and choose your mods here. Nothing with enhanced/HD textures and the like. Lowering resolution will also help in decreasing problems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lethielnyrond Posted November 15, 2015 Author Share Posted November 15, 2015 Yes. This is why, this time, I've skipped ENBoost, because I have no VRAM for it to manage, and while the machine has 6 Gb ordinary RAM to play with, as far as Skyrim is concerned it might as well be on the moon. I shall be careful adding mods this time, softly softly addy moddy, and see how far I can get before problems occur. And with MO I should then be able to pull back again without leaving too much mess. Once again, thank you for help and sympathy, Thallassa and chanchan05. Lethiel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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