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Romance Nick Valentine


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Thanks so much for the positive feedback guys!! I'm really glad you like what I've done so far and I will keep working on it!



Sadly I'm illiterate in modding and such, but damn I'm impressed and hope that you get any additional support you need from folks more competent than me!


Also, I'm so glad to see that other people want to be able to romance the toaster. I wasn't sure if I was alone in the feelings or not. I love you Bethesda, but at the same time I curse you!



I think I started looking to see if anyone was talking about making a mod as soon as I found out Nick wasn't a romance option. I felt a bit ridiculous... until I discovered I clearly wasn't alone. I don't think I'd be working on it if I hadn't seen this thread though!


Since there really is a demand I am pretty willing to learn whatever I need to make this happen, but that could take quite a while, so I'm definitely still hoping people with more experience making mods like this will want to collaborate! (Edit: Or people who aren't experienced, but are interested in learning how!)


Well done on the dialog...some of it is a little choppy but not horrible. I've heard much MUCH worse.


I'm really glad to hear it doesn't sound too choppy, even without trying to clean it up yet!


I'm hoping to put up some "improved" versions in a few days; I'll put up another post when I do that. If you don't mind listening again, let me know if there are any parts that still jump out to you as particularly bad.



I could provide some more input for dialogue if you need it, though.


I'd appreciate that! I might not be able to do it, of course, but I'd still like to hear if there is anything you'd really like to see added or changed in the approval conversations. I'm not going to make huge changes at this point to those but if there's small tweaks or something you would like added to a line I already have I'm still open to it!


I'm also open to suggestions for romance specific greetings (the short lines a companion says when you go up to talk to them at any time), responses to the "relationship?' question, lines for Nick to say after your character wakes up with him, etc. Again, some things might not be possible given what I have to work with but I will see what I can do!

Edited by BetteCorvega
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Just curious if anyone has seen the latest announcement. It's an expected DLC to come out in May that revolves around the Nick Valentine Agency. https://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/fallout-4-add-ons-automatron-wasteland-workshop-far-harbor-and-more/2016/02/16/77 No real info yet BUT since it's obviously part of the Nick Valentine's thing, I would think the chance of Nick having more dialog options is more than plausible. Here's to hoping that Bethesda may even adds a romanceable option considering how popular Nick has been and how many people want him to be.

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Check this out, someone modified one of Nick's talks to make him romanceable (sort of). Too bad I can't download it.


Hmm, it looks like they used romance dialogue trees from a few of the other followers as is (MacCready, Hancock, and Curie I think, in that order), added them to the end of Nick's third approval conversation, and then used some of Nick's other dialogue as is too for responses. Works surprisingly well! I suppose this video could have been made by splicing together footage of each of those conversations instead but it does look like a real mod! I wonder how they pulled it off, and whether the method they used would work with "custom" dialogue like I was working on.


Just curious if anyone has seen the latest announcement. It's an expected DLC to come out in May that revolves around the Nick Valentine Agency. https://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/fallout-4-add-ons-automatron-wasteland-workshop-far-harbor-and-more/2016/02/16/77 No real info yet BUT since it's obviously part of the Nick Valentine's thing, I would think the chance of Nick having more dialog options is more than plausible. Here's to hoping that Bethesda may even adds a romanceable option considering how popular Nick has been and how many people want him to be.


I hope so too! I do think it's at least possible, if they are bringing the voice actor back to record additional lines for the DLC anyway, that they might consider it if there really are enough people asking for him to be a romance option. However, as far as I know it would be pretty unusual for a character that was in the base game and was not a romance option there to become one in a DLC or an official patch. It does happen in full, separate sequels to games that feature the same characters sometimes but offhand at least I can't think of an example of this happening in DLC. Not sure if that means it can't happen but it does make me wonder how likely it is.


Until more real info comes out though, I'm going to assume it's not super likely and keep working on a mod. But I am really, really hoping I am wrong!

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Until more real info comes out though, I'm going to assume it's not super likely and keep working on a mod. But I am really, really hoping I am wrong!



Hey... Even if Bethesda did cave and add a romanceable Valentine to the mix, all the dialogue you've put together doesn't have to go to waste. I'm sure you could still release just a dialogue mod for the DLC, and add onto whatever new dialogue Valentine may have.

Edited by ArsenicRoses
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I am impressed with this work, BetteCorvega.


I really love it. Yes, it sounds a bit choppy, but the dialogues give the right vibe! :3

I may be bad at writing romance stuff, but I have a great critical mind and ear for dialogues.

It is really hard to get me to cringe with a smile of joy or simple get me to cry for the loss of a person. Literally Bioware's writing in Mass Effect is filled with such feeling.

Bethesda slowly approaches on that, too, but you are right at the soft spot there! I love it a lot, even in that slightly choppy state.

It feels right and not over-played and false.


This is nice work. Keep it up! I will stay observant over this project :3

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Created an account just to let you guys know that I'm so thrilled you're doing this. I love all the companions in fo4 but Nick is the only one I want to romance, and I was sorely disappointed when I found out he was non-romanceable. I don't have any experience or know-how when it comes to creating mods or editing fallout content, but if there's some way I can help out with this please let me know - I'm really excited for this. Also, the romance dialogue edits I've seen so far in this thread are amazing.

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Hey, just letting you guys know I am still working on making "cleaned up" versions of all the dialogue I have so far, but I should have something up soon!



It is really hard to get me to cringe with a smile of joy or simple get me to cry for the loss of a person. Literally Bioware's writing in Mass Effect is filled with such feeling.

Bethesda slowly approaches on that, too, but you are right at the soft spot there! I love it a lot, even in that slightly choppy state.

It feels right and not over-played and false.


Wow, it's a tremendous compliment if you think it even approaches that level, I really didn't expect to hear anything like that at all! Thank you so much, reading that made my day!

And I am glad it doesn't come off as over-played or false, that's definitely something I was concerned about with writing romantic dialogue.



This sound perfectly how I've imagined it!


I think that's the best possible reaction I could hope for! Thanks!! I was actually pretty worried that the dialogue wouldn't be able to live up to people's expectations for how it should go, but I did try really hard with what I had to work with!


Created an account just to let you guys know that I'm so thrilled you're doing this. I love all the companions in fo4 but Nick is the only one I want to romance, and I was sorely disappointed when I found out he was non-romanceable. I don't have any experience or know-how when it comes to creating mods or editing fallout content, but if there's some way I can help out with this please let me know - I'm really excited for this. Also, the romance dialogue edits I've seen so far in this thread are amazing.


Thank you!! I don't have a lot of experience with modding myself really - I'm kinda learning as I go - so any help is super appreciated!

Edited by BetteCorvega
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