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2 ideas


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1. The ability to feed dogmeat some food.

It would be nice if we could give some of the canned dog food or mirelurk meat we found at the wasteland to our faithfull companion to eat.

I mean he is always there, coming with us, fighting with us, yet we can't do something to 'thank' him. And all of this food I find in the wasteland that I'm not eating is going wasted.


2. A texture LD mod.

'LD' stands for 'Low Definition'.

Some of us still have an old gpu with 1gb of memory and unfortunately we can't play this game without massive FPS drops because of the GPUs trying to load all these textures every few seconds.

A resize of the textures to half that of the original size would do much to help people with huge frame rate drops to play this game. Please do that! As I don't see myself buying a new GPU any time soon. :sad:

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