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Fallout 4 MOST USEFUL MOD ever <--- unassigned settlers


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If any brainiack hears my desperate call! Hear me out! Me and i think a lot of people has problems with one feature in Fallout 4. We can't tell which settlers are unassigned. It would be the most awesome thing to make mod that tells which settler is unassigned. That could be a challenge, but it would be very, very appreciated! Thanks for your attention! Have a nice day.



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The thing with that is it assigns them to any open crop and less than their max so if you could diable that they would all stand around in the spot where they spawn which would be easier than making a mod to highlight them

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I've taken to color coding my settlers. Harnesses/hooded rags/farmhand clothes, hats (fedora, rag, or trilby), and welding goggles for farmers, armor and helmets for guards, fancy clothes for merchants, gas masks and armor for provisioners. Very rarely do settlers spawn with that specific setup so can tell who is assigned and who isn't. Combined with one of those warning bells, you can gather everyone from the settlement and work through them. I also go through and replace the basic pipe pistols and other assorted crap with a better weapon from my stash. Anyone who is walking around with caps, food, ect is someone I havn't assigned.


Once you have a system in place it makes some things easier. But yes, what would really be a better mod would be something that gave settlers random names since you would be more likely to recognize a new one.

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Just a notice board that you can use would be great to assign any settler, to any job.


having to look for them, then press V then run to where you want them to 'work' is a pain in the arse. not to mentio remembering WHO is assigned to WHATt and WHERE they have wandered off to !! Its infuriating :)

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