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Simple Mod: Swap Fashionable glasses with Sunglasses


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Hello modders,


I'm playing a charismatic character and find myself using the Fashionable Glasses because they are +1 to Charisma but they are giant and white and look pretty weird on my character.


I also have some Sunglasses in my inventory that look fine however they give +1 to Perception which just isn't useful to me.


I would love if someone could show me how to swap the models for these glasses so I can get the Fashionable Glasses to look like Sunglasses OR just change the stat bonus on the Sunglasses to be +1 Charisma instead of Perception. Whichever is easier.




p.s. I find myself swapping out charisma gear with "battle" gear quite often so if anyone knows of a mod that will swap out multiple items I'm wearing at once please point me in the right direction.



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There are already Black Rim Glasses in the game that add +1 to charisma and look like sun glasses


Ah, thanks, I didn't know there were other versions of the charisma glasses in the game.


Now if I just get a way to swap clothes/armor quickly I'll be all set.



Edited by jdp311
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