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There are a couple of ideas I'd like to add, realizing and apologizing in advance if forwarding them seems presumptuous considering that I am not on the team. The first is simply a fix or adjustment for automatic weapons. I see no reason why the damage per bullet should be so drastically reduced, especially because the way armor handles damage not only serves to make automatics less efficient but often less effective as well. If anything, damage should only decrease slightly due to tapped off gasses, but accuracy and recoil should be increased significantly to achieve the same lack of efficiency.


Secondly, I personally would love to see some of the older weapons make a return. Watts laser weapons can have qualitative differences besides damage dealing capability, such as an entirely different suite of modifications. The original Watts pistol had a much more streamlined design than the AEP models, which might be well served with a lower AP cost. Adding the Winchester City Killer, Widowmaker, and Pancor Jackhammer can do much to alleviate the derth of available shotguns. Similarly, the 'assault rifle' from FO4 can be shifted to a squad automatic weapon role to suit its appearance leaving the field bare for contenders like the Chinese Assault Rifle, the R line of assault rifles such as the 91, and the AK 112. Bringing back the .32 caliber round can allow the return of the .32 revolver as a quick little holdout or easy to feed alternative to the .44 magnums, and perhaps allow new pipe weapons.


Anyways, that was my two cents and unabashed begging session. Carry on.


You'll be happy to hear that nearly everything you mentioned is already planmed to be part of the mod, though I forgot about the idiotic damage penalty automatic recievers came with. The abomomation Bethesda had the audacity to call an "Assault Rifle" has indeed been moved over to the LMG catagory, sporting an option for a 7.62mm NATO reciever as well as other options.


The R91 and Chinese AR, along with the Watts Laser Pistol and Rifle, are just a few familar weapons that'll be returning in Project Resurgence. In fact, you could probably name any weapon from previous Fallout titles and there's a high chance they've already been included! An extensive list of what weapons, and mods, Project Resurgence will offer can be found here: https://goo.gl/l6d9VX


The docs are bit of a mess at the moment due to work still being done on them. Once everything is finished and organized, though, they'll look much better!


Speaking of autofire weapons... How tough would it be to mod genuine selective-fire? I can see why Bethesda might simply have ignored it, as perhaps too fiddly, or as a weapons balance issue, but an assault rifle should be selective-fire capable, making it more flexible (and cutting down on the number of weapons you have to carry). Just a thought. =^[.]^=

Sweet lord that looks ambitious! Many of the features you've listed are on my personal "must-have-mods" - list as well. Personly im pretty much counting the seconds till the geck shows up, there is just so much to be done.

However reading your list, i realized that the features im missing in FO4 are also a lot of other peoples concerns. Im sure there are gonna be quite a lot of modders trying to bring back the cut out stuff and make the game a richer, deeper rpg again. I'll def come back to your thread once the geck is out, very excited where this is going. Anyways, i wish you good luck and hopefully you'll find some good modders willing to help this project. If not, im gonna learn how to script myself^^.


Cheers man

Not as hard as you may think! Jazzisparis made a select-fire mod for New Vegas and even Fallout 3! Adapting the system for Fallout 4 shouldn't be too hard considering it already scans weapons and gives them the appropriate options. Still waiting on a response from him, unfortunately, though I hope he joins the team!


You can find his NV mod by following the link provdied. I personally love having the abitility to choose how my weapon fires and I'm sure you, along with plenty others, will too! http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49478/?

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  • 2 months later...
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Sorry about the silence, everyone, but progress has begun with the release of the GECK. It's slow at the moment due to the unexpected complexity and the tendency for the GECK to crash when editing certain variables, such as Gravity for projectiles, but progress is progress nonetheless. The documents have also been expanded upon and include more features than ever, with more undoubtedly going to be added as the full capability of the GECK is discovered.


Right now, I'm working on adding new ammo and subtypes, fixing projectiles so they function properly, and figuring out to add mods and slots to Power Armor along with weapons. As I get more familiar with the program, things should advanced at a much faster pace and as such, updates should be quite frequent.

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If I may make a suggestion. I wouldn't go the weapon repair route, but perhaps more along the lines of weapon cleaning. You could make a kit that could be assembled on the weapon bench that required cloth, oil, and maybe springs that would be good for a couple of uses. I feel that makes it more realistic . . . just a thought :thumbsup:

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If I may make a suggestion. I wouldn't go the weapon repair route, but perhaps more along the lines of weapon cleaning. You could make a kit that could be assembled on the weapon bench that required cloth, oil, and maybe springs that would be good for a couple of uses. I feel that makes it more realistic . . . just a thought :thumbsup:


The idea of weapon maintenance/cleaning actually has been an idea that's been floating around! Instead of repairing, per see, you could use various kits to keep a weapon in working order. However, weapons will take damage over time and parts that are too damaged will either break or cease working altogether. For instance, you receiver will cease to work if it's directly hit but the rest of the gun will be fine. Overheating a weapon will causing the barrel to warp, hitting too many people and/or things will the stock may cause it to break, etc. Failing to keep a weapon clean will increase the chance of a jam and decreased accuracy as well. However, as the mechanics of the GECK are explored, only time and skill will tell just what can actually be implemented.

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Has anyone brought up the possibility of being able to craft the WEAPONS, themselves? Somebody's doing it, from drug-addled raiders and low-tech townies cobbling together pipe rifles from trash, to full-fledged gunsmithing and fabrication of sophisticated weapons. =^[.]^=

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I just want to throw my voice in with the crowd that dislikes weapon and armor degradation. It's my #1 hated functionality in FNV and to me the implementation feels really unimmersive and unrealistic. I mean, aren't guns supposed to be able to fire bullets without breaking ALL of the time? In addition it seems to only add tedium, rather than excitement or thought.


However I would fully support a "condition" state of the weapon, gradually increasing the risk of jamming (adjusted by luck factor). Some cleaning, oiling and changing of springs or gear (aka maintenance kit perhaps?), a gun should be good to go again. There could be two levels of jamming, one "soft" requiring a reload, and a "hard" requiring a full cleaning (and thus not something you can do in combat). How quickly the condition would deteriorate could be dependent on the quality of the gun (pipe/military/experimental, low/mid/high), etc.


For Armor I think the degradation/deterioration makes a lot more sense, but on the other hand it's a much less enticing gameplay mechanic to me. I'm trying to come up with a scenario where I would like it, and I just can't. Maybe if it also had a chance to break rather than gradual degradation, and I could bring repair kits. Maybe if the enemy could score critical hits on you (as they ought to be able to), and the armor had a certain amount of criticals it could block before "breaking" and not being able to block any more criticals until reparied.


On the notion of Power Armors, I don't see why so many feel the need to nerf them or their gameplay value. It's the equivalent of a personalized tank. OF COURSE it should be AWESOME to be in a tank rather than just your own fleshy self. Going up against someone in a Power Armor should be terrifying and deadly. I absolutely cannot see why it's an issue that it's the nr #1 choice of protection and constant companion. If you're going into a ghoul-infested subway, a power armor and flame thrower ought to be your best bet.

The only downside I think befits a power armor should be stealth and maneuverability. Someone going clonking through downtown in a suit of armor should be heard miles away. Removing stealth opportunities, sneak attacks, and surprises should be detrimental enough for people who prefer that kind of gameplay to opt out. Slower movement means you can't dodge that grenade or missile launcher as quickly. Unfortunately the AI isn't good enough to perform coordinated ambushes on you, but a guy in a suit should attract all kinds of unwanted attention. That would be drawback enough for me.



Anyways, I wish you the best of luck with the project and I'm *really* looking forward to it

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The aim of this mod is to restore and even implement features that should've been in the Fallout 4 from the get-go but weren't for whatever reason. Progress on this will start as soon as the GECK for Fallout 4 is released sometime turning early 2016.


All features are entirely optional and can be turned on/off a la MCM should the player desire so. Ammo weight, item condition, hunger, thirst, and sleep are standard for Survival/hardcore mode.


UPDATE: A more detailed list of features can be found [HERE] along with better explanations of how things will work. I will still be updating this thread in addition to the other list..


Restored features

  • Classic dialogue box- Just like Fo3 and NV, you get a neat little box which states exactly what your character will say. Speech challenges will retain their color-coded difficulty indicator.
  • Weapon and armor condition
  • Weapon and armor repair
  • Weapon crafting- Yes, thats right. You can actually MAKE weapons again instead of just finding and/or buying them. Note that not all weapons can be made, such as Gatling Lasers or Assault Rifles, but those of a more makeshift nature like the Cryolator, Broadsider, and Railway Rifle can be if the schematics are found.
  • Maintenance kits- Weapons can have their overall health partially restored on the go, though the kits have to be made at a workbench using a screwdriver, spring, gears, oil, and cloth.
  • Weapon holstering- No longer with your weapons vanish into thin air! Pistols and other small weapons will be holster on the thigh/waist while larger ones will be slung across the back.
  • Ammo crafting- Like in NV, ammo can be make at loading benches.
  • Ammo crafting materials- These can be found near loading stations, weapon workbenches, and around military locations. Merchants and traders may also have them.
  • Specialty ammo types (Incendiary, Armor-piercing, high-explosive, etc)
  • Ammo weight in Hardcore/Survival
  • Sleep, hunger, and thirst gauges in Hardcore/Survival
  • Distinct textures/meshes for unique weapons that lack them

New features

  • Feature management interface- Lets you switch features on and off so you get everything you want and nothing you don't a la MCM.
  • HUDs/overlays for helmets, googles, and glasses- Inspired by Project Nevada
  • Expanded mod slots for certain weapons-Minigun, Powerfist, and others which have three or less options.
  • Dual Wielding- With Skyrim having this, we should've been able to use two unarmed/melee weapons at once with sensible restrictions
  • New special ammo types- With the slew of new crafting materials and weapons, it'd be a shame to let that potential go to waste. .50 caliber weapons will get to enjoy the extreme power of depleted uranium rounds while others such as the Broadsider can now fire Canister, Chain, and Shrapnel cannonballs.
  • Reusable Fusion Cores: Instead of being destroyed, an Empty Fusion Core is added to your inventory when depleted. They can be 'refilled' via a unique generator, though Nuclear Material and some in-game hours are required for the process.


[*]Adhesive is only used in mods when it is sensible. You'll no longer need it to put a scope on a gun or any of that.

[*]Rank requirements for mods needing Science! and Gun Nut. Nobody wants to wait until rank 3 to put a silencer on a hunting rifle.


Additional features and tweaks may added over time as this is just a rough draft of the mod. Those skilled in scripting, modeling, and texturing are more then welcomed to lend a hand as I doubt I could do all of this alone. Again, progress will start as soon as the GECK is released.


If you have questions, suggestions, or want to help, merely reply to this or send me a message in private.


+support for your vision. Thank you for taking up this challenge! I can honestly say this mod (when finished) will replace roughly half the mods I normally seek out. I *like* the survival adventure feel to a game, and that's best accomplished by both making me learn how to survive and making the acquisition of gear an engaging challenge.


So, nice ideas, and I look forward to your success!


Edit: If I might mention. Bethesda has been absolutely terrible on difficulty tuning in terms of player / NPC damage and armor protection adjustments. The feeling of equal danger between player and opposition (except they have numbers) = good, flipping from OP gore-soaked Disneyesque experience to ridiculous bullet-sponge nonsense = bad.


So if it were possible to adjust those as well via this mod, it would replace 3/4 of the mods I normally seek out instead of only half :smile:

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