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exotic potions


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i first tried making a poison out of a poison apple and found i could mix it with rat poison to make a potion and i got a "deadly poison(bypasses poison resistance) for 1 sec" potion and a "rat poison for 1 sec" potion i mixed all strange things like this i could find and no better place to look but shivering isles here i made a "jyaggalag's flavour for 1 sec" potion and a greenmote poison


if anyone finds anymore please tell me so i can expand my collection

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The triple-damage poison Cassie-the-assassin cooked up on the fly for the benefit of Faelian was named "Skooma Cure".


Any double- or triple-damage poison she concocts is named "Altmerbane" since the elemental damage is especially tolling on them. Poisons with a Silence component is called "Magebane", and the basic Damage Health+Paralyze that comes about with any poison brewed with Daedra Venin gets called "Spidersleep".


I've made Damage Strength/Speed poisons that I named "Pax" (G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate, to be exact).


Cassie, being the girly-girl that she is, names any Fortify Personality potion "Chanel No. 5"

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what exactly does "Jyggalag's favor" do?



I ate one of those hearts of order once to see and besides give me a quick and pointless buff it didn't do anything.

If you are, and I'm pretty sure you are, more up to speed on it please let me know.

As it is i really didn't find anything strange about it.

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what exactly does "Jyggalag's favor" do?



I ate one of those hearts of order once to see and besides give me a quick and pointless buff it didn't do anything.

If you are, and I'm pretty sure you are, more up to speed on it please let me know.

As it is i really didn't find anything strange about it.

Lets go to the scripts...

scn SEKnightHeartEffectSCRIPT

; An attempt was made to have eating a seond heart just extend the duration of the first (quick remove and add).
; I tried adding a tracking variable to confirm the status (and delay addspell by a frame), but that didn't work.
; At this point, it is intentional that eating a second heart removes the effects of the first.

begin ScriptEffectStart
; remove abilities (in case eating multiple)
removespell SEAbKnightHeart

begin ScriptEffectUpdate
if getSelf == player
; add ability
	addspell SEAbKnightHeart

Adds an ability, ability fortifies strength and health and starts another script.


scn SEAbKnightHeartSCRIPT

float alchemySkill
short healOnce
float timer

begin ScriptEffectStart
; initialize vars (needed in case of multiple items consumed at once)
set healOnce to 0
set timer to 0
; add heal ability
addspell SEAbKnightHeartHeal

begin ScriptEffectUpdate
if healOnce == 0 && timer >= 1
	set healOnce to 1
	removespell SEAbKnightHeartHeal
; run timer for duration
set timer to timer + ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds
if timer > 15
	removespell SEAbKnightHeartHeal
	removespell SEAbKnightHeart

begin ScriptEffectFinish
removespell SEAbKnightHeartHeal

Which adds a 1 time healing 60 effect for 15 seconds (or maybe just 1) before removing both. It seems that they couldn't get a counter working right... Maybe when/if I get bored enough I'll fix it for them, sometimes have to wonder how they manage to do anything right. But aren't you glad you asked?

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