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Ammo/mags/clips preservation.


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I noticed that weapons RELOADS themselves in inventory.

So using favorite buttons makes reloading futile :smile:

I tested it with 2 barrel shotgun. firing 1 shell and swapping to for example pistol and back to shotgun will result in having slow shotgun that have unlimited magazine.

Shooting 2 shells and while start of reloading animation I just used weapon swap back and forth from shotgun to pistol and back to shotgun skipped animation!


Imagine weapons that have longer animations for reloading all player need to do is swap to other weapon and back to have reloaded weapon in no time!


This is just stupid! GTA had that dumb pocket reload thingy and bethesda didn't learn nothing!

Anyone skilled enough please make clip mod or script that will remember which gun have how many bullets in it. And maybe some way to unload clip so gun will be empty if needed. Maybe holding shortcut key for given weapon would unload clip? Holding down shortcut key is not used to anything. Reload button while hold is acting as holster button so this cannot be used as clip unload.
IMO button for weapon shortcut should act as holster so then reload button hold would unload clip. At least I would do it that way IF I would have such scripting moding kills :smile:

Edited by c1g3
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Agreed. In the S.T.A.K.E.R. games, each gun had its own ammo. For example, you pickup a particular gun and find it has a partial mag which won't change unless you reload it or unload, but in fallout its like you just have a big ammo backpack with a hose that you attach to your weapon. Everything is usually loaded. it won't reload on its own, despite weapon switching.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SOC, you actually had reload ques, which are sort of like magazines which you have to load yourself. Meanwhile, a mutant is stalking you in the woods, while you sh%$ your pants.


+ more realsim

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