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Magic corpse highlight ring! - "The other one ring"


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Im sure many of us have had that moment, so much fun, so much corpses, cant see em all or remember where they were... BUT I WANTS THE LOOTZ!


Theres one rather "un-used" item, rings. If i recall, you can have two on at the same time. Would be nice to have a ring able to highlight corpses around ~30-40 meters that still have loot on em. Few perks and items can highlight certain stuff so its doable.


How hard would it be, can it be done?

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It can be done! Has been done for Fo3 (if I remember right), FNV, Skyrim... (I'm actually using one on Skyrim myself). It requires (as most mods) the creation kit however...


But it should be FULLY possible! And not THAT hard... We'll just have to wait for CK...



Edited by Vortaka
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