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Texture Editing Help


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Need some help understand why I can never seem to edit a texture that has see through portions and not get the same result as the original.


I've attached a picture of a custom armor for a remodeled Veronica. In this picture I point out where the portion of the texture is that I'm having issues with on this outfit. I have the same issues with any and all armors/clothes. Any time I go to edit the texture to a different color what happens is the transparent portion is no longer transparent. I'm assuming this is caused by my texture edits, however, I'm just not sure cause this is not something I've messed with a lot. Just want clarification on the why.


First off I use Paint.net for all of my texture edits for personal use (can't afford P.S.). Here's the steps I took. Duplicate layer, Turn off one layer to have as original, Black and White Adjustment on one, New layer with the color I want edited to be an overlay, merge overlay with black and white, Turn back on the original layer and proceed to erase the original parts I want as the new color.


Now for this one seeing as I've had the same kind of problems with other textures with see through parts (though those had lots of tiny protions with cloth decorations around it) I decided to erase all the color behind that portion. Merged the two layers then saved it as a test... should work fine I'm guessing. But what I saw in Nifscope wasn't a transparent lacy portion of the dress, rather it was this hideous opaque color instead.


Why am I unable to get the same result with a transparent area as the original one? Didn't touch that portion, it's the same thing.... so why??? I'm not even sure what the right question would be for this issue.

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Well.... the original texture and my edit are in DDS... Not sure if that's what you mean. As for the "parts" the dress is all one meshe... including the tranasparent portion (Breakdown of parts: Boots, Dress, Belt/accessories, Shirt, little round things on the shirt you can see one just above the left boob, panties, and Body). Also, I didn't mess with the meshe just altered the target of the texture file to see if my test was looking right... nope, it failed due to this problem that I don't understand.

Edited by NatanusLikens
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Well, there are 3 types of compression for DDS namely DXT1, DXT3, DXT5.

Each have a different relation to transparency (or Alpha)

DXT1 no transparency

DXT3 binary transparency (visible or not visible)

DXT5 precise transparency (semi transparent, see through, etc.)


You choose the compression type when saving your texture. (I don't use Paint net but I know there a tool for doing so in it)

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Ah, ok. So my "REAL" issue here is Paint.net is unable to do this (Save files in those compression types). A quick search shows me someone is working on a plugin for this and it's not a core function.


Thanks pixelhate.


Er...... Well, the Plugin is actually finished.... but I must be missing some knowledge on this. Cause I tried all 3 types... same result on each. Checked all the meshe settings and they aren't altered..........

Just dawned on me... I should try to start with a fresh texture then try again to see if I get the same result.





I'm a moron.... yeah, so my old "edits" of this didn't work... but starting fresh I got it working.

Edited by NatanusLikens
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They seem to say that DDS compression is part of original Paint.net set up.



Without looking at the mesh and the texture I can't help more, I'm afraid. If you wish you can post it on mediafire and send me the link via PM. I'll take a look at it, but not before tomorrow evening (GMT+1)


*edit* I missed the last sentence, so you have it working, have you? Great!

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