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Mod Help: Locking Doors


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:D HI, I'm new to the community here. Right now I've been playing the Oblivion. I keep restarting because I keep spending like 2 days customizing my Oblivion game. I start out as a female Drow assassin. I pretty much am law full evil when I play. Meaning if I can justify it, I'll do it.




To the point I found one thing missing. Locking doors. I'm going to try and figure it out more on my own. Though could someone please help me with this. I need to be able to lock my doors. Any help would be appreciated, thank you all.

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In game:


Open the console, click on the door, type 'lock'.




Find the door, double click on it, go to the 'lock' tab, check the 'lock' box, assign lock level and/or designated key.

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In game:


Open the console, click on the door, type 'lock'.




Find the door, double click on it, go to the 'lock' tab, check the 'lock' box, assign lock level and/or designated key.



Thank you very much. You helped me figure out how to do it on the fly. Though I wanted to add a global command to lock doors. This would be so that you can click on the door, then you would have the option to open or lock it if the door had, has or was locked.

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In game:


Open the console, click on the door, type 'lock'.




Find the door, double click on it, go to the 'lock' tab, check the 'lock' box, assign lock level and/or designated key.



Thank you very much. You helped me figure out how to do it on the fly. Though I wanted to add a global command to lock doors. This would be so that you can click on the door, then you would have the option to open or lock it if the door had, has or was locked.

Attach something like


scn lockspellscript

ref target
short level

Begin scripteffectstart
set target to getself
set level to player.getav alteration
set level to level -25
if level <=10
set level to 10

Begin scripteffectupdate
if target.isactor != 1 && target.getlocked != 1
target.lock level
playsound DRSLocked

and attach it to a scripted spell on touch. It should work, and is about as close as you ca get without scripting every door in the game.

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ninja_lord's post removed. Off-topic and spammy. You're a nice guy ninja but if you keep breaking the rules with this spamming I'm going to have to give you a strike...
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