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Immersive and improved Eye Adaption


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Hi guys

i like the concept of -eye adaption- in Vanilla Skyrim, although the effect would need a better calibration to improve immersion. Like so:

- outdoor and by a normal lit day, our eyes get used of the general brightness, therefore the vanilla eye adaption effect should be less strong.
- eye adaption is visible when changing from an indoor ambience to an outdoor environment or vice-versa from outdoor to indoor ( indoors usually has much less light, because light falls through some windows only)
- another example of eye adaption occurs when youre drunk (and i mean really drunk)
- or when an enemy strikes you with a critical hit
- or when weather changes abruptly
- or we move indoors from a dark area in a bright area
- or when we get up from bed



is sombody interested to give it a try, to improve that -eye adaption- feature ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

is sombody interested to give it a try, to improve that -eye adaption- feature ?


Way beyond my own modding skills, but I know that Skyrim's game engine doesn't exactly facilitate it... The whole pseudo-hdr implementation is hardcoded, rather simplistic, and there are few and unnecessarily restricted ways in which you can actually influence it.


The big overhauls are already trying to tweak what is available the best they can, each in their own way. (And each with mixed results in my opinion, so I just prefer to pretty much disable the whole effect without breaking anything, but I'm obviously biased.) It would be a real trick to give the game the unobtrusive, accentuating, immersion-enhancing eye adaptation model that it deserves.

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>Way beyond my own modding skills, but I know that Skyrim's game engine doesn't exactly facilitate it... The whole pseudo-hdr implementation is hardcoded, rather simplistic, and there are few and unnecessarily restricted ways in which you can actually influence it.


pity! im no developer of mods, i do some translations for them only. (coming soon)

Anyway, id play creative if things arent direcly accessible…sometime some "silly" experiments do wonders, without to focus too much on a final product. And i talk you from my own experience.

You and similar people involved in modding do everything technically possible, i know. Maybe some flying ideas: Using Skse, placing some activators and regulate in base to them a variable eye speed and -strenght behavior.

Edited by Altamosnar
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