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Mods you already want


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Not sure if this has been said before, so I apologise if it has.

But I would like to see a mod that allows you to call in your power armour (or random/from the brotherhood) wherever you are - you'd have to be outside though - but it would be like a drop-pod.


I guess to call it in you could use the same feature available for the artillery strike (using the artillery grenades - there's probably a better way of doing it, I haven't progressed very far in the game, so I'm probably missing something).


So say your in the middle of a fight you struggling with but you don't want to flee or your heading into a heavily radiated area- you could throw down a grenade/something (as a beacon) then a couple of seconds later either a drop-pod containing or just the power armour itself falls from the sky and lands on where you placed the the grenade/beacon (maybe with a bit of area effect damage) - does power armour take fall damage? - I know you the character don't, but does fall damage reduce the armour's health? I guess you could just tweak that. So once it lands you could use it like you normally would.


If the mod allowed you to use your own power armour and you had multiple sets there could be a mini menu enabling you to select which one - actually being able to rename your power armour would be helpful if say you had 2 T-60's.


Not a top priority mod I know, but one I feel could be fairly useful.



When I first started out, I hoarded every power armor suit I could get my hands on because I thought I would need replacements. Then I saw how much damage they can take, and I wonder why anyone would even want more than one suit? Unless you just want a set at each settlement. It's easy enough to find repair stations and repair them.


Now, having the armor delivered to you could be useful if you ran out of fusion cores, so I think that would be a cool mod.

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AWOP and Commonwealth interiors project would be badass, not to mention some new weapons and armor. (i believe everyone is with me so far!) Also adding some Nuka-Cola fridges throughout the wasteland just like the ones from FO3 and FNV would be awesome. Last but not least, a mod that adds more stuff to settlement building and makes things a little easier to snap together.

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The two I'd consider most critical to improving my gameplay experience would be a keychain mod, and a droppable quest items mod.


Third place would go to having all holotapes and notes sorted back to the Data tab as in past games rather than the inventory.


After that, a UI overhaul restoring as much as possible of the Fallout 3 / New Vegas Pipboy interface.


And in no particular order:


- All clothing modifiable, because how does it make sense that I can up-armor the slinky cocktail dresses but not a three-piece suit or an ordinary set of clothes?

- Power armor using partially drained fusion cores before switching to filled ones.

- .223/5.56 pistol. You know which one I mean.

- Settlement attacks disabled when defense value exceeds resources present at settlement.

- Enemies no longer have infinite grenades and have a cooldown between throws to prevent 'nade spam.

- Fusion core scarcity and value increased, and value proportional to charge level.

- Option to scrap all junk items within Pipboy inventory management.

- Ability to easily transfer crafting resources from one settlement to another ('hire a caravan' would be a great immersive implementation).

- Dialogue resets if interrupted (by an enemy attack or because the NPC started talking to you as you passed by them and out of 'conversation range') rather than skipping to the next line.

- Multiple companions.

- Better companion interface.

- General mouse-friendliness tweaks.

- Current inventory weight displayed with decimal.

- Power armor pieces remain equipped to frame when broken, but provide no protection.

- Revamped armors from the other games (Merc sets from Fo3/NV, classic Fallout styled leather armor, etc)

- More speakable names for Codsworth.

- Add 'point of no return' warning to all quests that will turn major factions hostile (presently this warning seems to be given only for the Brotherhood during the Institute questline).

- Launcher for artillery smoke grenades (let's face it, arty is more helpful the farther away you can target it from).

- Level requirements for skill-gate perks (lockpick, weapon damage, crafting) softened or removed.

- Ability to repair, patch, or fully restore the Sanctuary Hills houses.

- Assignable defensive tactics for settlers.

- Ability to delegate settlement defense to squads of Minutemen from nearby positions.

- More radio stations with more early rock.

- People in large settlements become hostile if you Relay into the middle of town.


...and the list goes on.

Edited by Wrath_Of_Deadguy01
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A dialogue overhaul mod that increases dialogue options is obviously a must-have (I saw a Russian version, but I'm not sure if the English version (Full Dialogue Interface) adds new lines for the protagonist. Would be nice to have a mod that gives you 8 or 9 dialogue options based on your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. traits, just like FO3 and NV.


And then of course, the most mod I'd desperately want right now is a morality quest overhaul that adds new quests with more evil options (blow up Sanctuary like Megaton, join the Institute and kidnap people for xp, etc.). That's one of the biggest problems with FO4 right now that requires attention IMO.


I don't have major complaints about the rest of the vanilla aspects, so I'd be fine with the above two mods alone.


I just want an Iron Man suit.


And a Hulk-Buster suit.


Seconding on the Hulk-Buster suit, or rather, a Supermutant/Deathclaw-buster suit. Would be incredibly badass to have a humongous suit the size of a Deathclaw. Having the ability to fly from one end of the Wasteland to another like Iron Man would be pretty neat as well. Maybe also having the ability to fire your mini-gun in mid-flight to in the Mark-VII versions of the suit or something. lol


Or maybe we could have a Lex Luthor suit, the one he uses to fight Superman with. lmao Oh man. That would be one hell of an armor to fight a Legendary Deathclaw with. One punch sends the beast flying through the mountains.

Edited by OminousFlare
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Mods I'd want to see would be controllable patrols in your settlement - I'm fed up of closing that gate! there is a reason its closed; oh look raider attack and now your all dead.

also changing the vault boy to vault girl in the icons would be nice similar to this one



as for anything else - lots, but they've already been mentions so I won't repeat the list.

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-I was hoping that the need for food, water, and sleep would be incorporated into the game. Disappointing that it wasn't, maybe in a future update. Or just a Primary Needs mod.

-What else can I say but "Bug Fixes, Bug Fixes, Bug Fixes," Too many to name.

-A performance FPS mod would be great in Interior Cells which seem to cut in half inside of a lot of structers.

-A gamma brightness slider would be nice.

-More Guns, Armor, Items, Hair Styles, Animations, Etc.

There are other but I don't want to give away any *spoilers* just yet.

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btw wrath_of_Deadguy01

the "Ability to easily transfer crafting resources from one settlement to another ('hire a caravan' would be a great immersive implementation)."

is in the game.. use the caravans between your settlements to get all crafting material on your selected settlements.


-I Would Like a FREAKING GUN RACK.. Working just like the magazine stand so only weapons would clip on to it!

-And the ability to have a shelf system where putting stuff in by using R.. and it would place things on the shelfs..

-Builder able ammo crates! (yah i know there is a mod) just if any form the real game would read this it could maybe be changed in a patch.

-Also the build limit on the settlements.. way higher (have a mod now) whats the point of being able to build a 10 level building and not be able to complete it with sides and so on.

-A mod where you pay for a steady supply of eks. wood and steel to come to you once a week maybe..

-A door with a lock or terminal you can build to keep your settlers out of your armory with the power armors in.

-A mod when you drop lets say 400 old money.. it would drop 400 and not just 1 with the value of 400.. I want a Walt filled with money! :-)

-A mod that allow me to lock some items in my inventory so i dont transfer my entire armor suit and weapons into the GIGANT PIT of my settlements inventory .. locating all of the stuff again is a pain!

A Mod that allows you to send your companion to the nearest settlement and unload all of the stuff you have collected.!

A crafing of a backpack with even more places for stuff.. i need a place for all my dirty astrays and coffie cups! lol

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A mod thet when you holster your weapons they appear on your back/hip. Whats the point to have these awsome modable guns in the game and not being able to see them in the 3 person when they are holstered. I like to shoot in the 3 person but most of the time I switch to 1 person for betther aim but god damm it I whant to see my laser rifle/sniper gun on my back when I'm runing up and down in the wasteland in the 3 person.


Also I woud love to have a mod which change the the laser gun assault barrel to have the function of the sniper barrel I realy like thet spining animation the assault barrel makes when I fire my laser gun but I woud like to have single shoots wiht it even a 3 burst version woud be a welcomed change for me from the full auto.


Also the companions like/dislike sistem nead's to be overhauled. What's thet? You whant to befrend most of the companion? Bether get read to have a split-personality disorder becouse thet's what you have to do for it.

I woud like it if we coud give gifts for them to make them like us more ,when we youse a stimpack on them they remeber it and become more loyalt to us ,maybe some casual conversations wiht them in the dialouge options like : Hey how are you doing? Whant anithing specific (food ,ammo, some misc item<---in reason so it woudn't happen thet Codsworth woud ask you 5 bottles of nuka cola for himself)? Even betther ask them what do they whant to do: [insert name here] " I whant to check out [random chosen location] "Hey how about we go and eat something in diamond city?" Let's spy around this raider camp and jank soem good stuff from them."


More building options for the setlement's. It woud be nice if I coud build walls thet don't have more holes in it then a swiss chees also windowed walls wiht glass so the rain wont get inside of the house and maybe soe faction based building options. The hobo shack quality buildigns are okay for the railroad but it woud be cool to have hige theck building options for the BoS the institue and some normal looking building options for the minuteman like they still youse wood and metal walss mostly but they woud have much cleaner versions of it no holes in them the stly woud be geared for 18 century US fortifcations styls maybe etc.


Also more armor and weapon options obliviously.


Also more radiant qwests and the radiant qwest sistem shoud get a good overhaule.



Sofar thes are the things I miss mostly in fallout 4. I liek this game I haveing fun in it and most players says the story is s#*&#33; and I agree wiht it on some level becouse it's not fallout new vegas level of story but still MUTCH betther then fallout 3 atleast here you can chose multiple factions and non of them are the good or the bad guys (it's all about fo your morals here) unlike in fallout 3 where you hade to be the good guy and yoin the good guy brotherhood so you guys coud beate the evil enclave and at the end of it you coud be the good guy becouse good guys are the ones ho win ever and you win becouse you are the good guy (if anibody the brotherhood ask I didn't blowed up megetan also I didn't murdered most of the population for fun but they woudn't ask thet becouse you have to yoin them and they are the good guys so you have to be the good guy by default).

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My must have first mod would be a scope retical replacer because the ones in game are a pain to see when aiming, particularly at night, and are not zeroed in very well. I've noticed that when aiming, the shot tends to hit above and to the right of the scope's center point, instead of where the crosshairs are. That might be just me, but I've noticed it pretty consistently when trying to snipe enemies.


Brightness control slider would be great, my eyes are messed up, I need to adjust brightness up pretty high when playing to be able to see the game very well.


And any/all of Gopher's mods including his advanced recon cyborg nightvision/thermal vision, as well as Dynavision and hell, anything else he did. LOL, love his mods in FO3/NV.

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For me it's all stealth.. the ability to mantle/climb structures (within reason.. the Fallout equivalent of vine/moss arrows perhaps) hiding in shadows, camoflage options, speed of movement advantages/disadvantages, Dishonored type weapons Compound/Cross/Wrist bows with a variety of ammo types & the ability to make them. A greater variety of non lethal options, attack elevation/distance considerations, distraction/confusion options (smoke/gas/noise etc) ability to set oil/gas type traps combustable/make enemies slip, fall off ledges etc.

The ability to hide in containers & hide bodies (or at least 'clean' them up)

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