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New to Oblivion (Mod Requests)


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Evening all.


I will soon be getting a copy of Oblivion for my new computer and have been browsing the files here on TESS.

I've played Oblivion on a friends computer and really liked the general gameplay, but I'm always customizing my games with new models/sounds etc. So all, I'd like to hear any suggestions for recommended models/skins/mods etc to download. I'm looking mainly in the areas of cool looking armor, facial/body customization, improved graphics and generally anything to increase realism and gameplay. Thanks in advance.

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Evening all.


I will soon be getting a copy of Oblivion for my new computer and have been browsing the files here on TESS.

I've played Oblivion on a friends computer and really liked the general gameplay, but I'm always customizing my games with new models/sounds etc. So all, I'd like to hear any suggestions for recommended models/skins/mods etc to download. I'm looking mainly in the areas of cool looking armor, facial/body customization, improved graphics and generally anything to increase realism and gameplay. Thanks in advance.

Don't get SI, don't install patch 1.2, look for patch 1.1 instead. Then look for mods that are compatable with 1.1.


1.2 patch is just bad, it causes many errors, slows down the game some, and just isn't recommend. Beyond that, there are a few things you'll want to mod right away.


Clutter value... There are alot of different opinions on this, but after searching you should be able to find one that fits your view.

Water... The standard water in the game is too murkey, again there is personal opinion, just go with something that looks right.

Body mods... Alot of personal preference here, for females, some are more realistic, like corwyns, others are more cartoony, Bab and exnem are middle of the road. Bab and corwyn have better compatability between new content and default clothes/armor, the other ones tend to be more contained. For males, there's only one or two, so not that difficult to decide.

Beautiful People... A decent compilation mod that'll give you more options in chargen.


I would wait until you've played a bit more before you do any of the major mods like OOO or Frans, these mods change alot of things, and can make things very difficult when starting out. While MightyMagicka is also suggested, if used too early in the game NPCs that are there to help you tend to die too fast.

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Thankyou for the information, I have already downloaded OOO, but will play around with what I have already before installing it. Although the list of changes made by the mod do sound appealing.


Are there any more names, or links to specific mods that anyone would recommend?

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If you're just starting to play Oblivion for the first time, you may not have a problem with this. But a little later on the game music really starts to get old. I recomend using a music expansion, specificly these
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First off, download Beautiful People, it adds new races eyes and hair to your characther - a must for game beautification.

Then, if you play man install Robert's body and Slofs goth shop, if a female, BAB - the latter adds awesome new outfits and weapons, over 100 i theenk.

Also, Qarl's textures are 110% worth the time downloading it, it changes the textures for almost all things in Oblivion (not oblivion[/]i, thougt XD)

I personally use "Blue lagoon water" (can't remember where i downloaded it, probably on tessource), it makes the water clear as crystal but with a beautifull bluesh tint. ;)

I like to have an army following me on Cyrodiil, so companion mods like Rhianna, Cecilia ( i don't like Valeria and Neeshka, odd enough) are needed, they have good options and faces (but if you don't like them, change them in CS).


Remember to experiment with interesting/new mods, maybie you'll turn in a modder yourself - practise makes you perfect, my motto.

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More spam from ninja_lord... post removed. This GIVE ME YOUR SOUL stuff has got rather old, and you're not posting much if any content with each of these posts. I've warned you about spamming yet you don't seen to listen. Strike 1.
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