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Adding HUD elements such as current/max weight


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I've seen a few mods that take HUD elements away but is it currently possible to add elements or is that a job that will need to wait for the tools release?


A few things I'd like to see


- A constant onscreen indicator for current weight carried as well as maximum weight.

- The power armor targeting helmet mods red effect to something less intrusive maybe something similar to the recon mod.

- Someway to tell my settlers from enemies other than entering vats, Maybe cross-hair color change


Thanks for reading :wink:

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- A constant onscreen indicator for current weight carried as well as maximum weight.

Would very much like this.



- Someway to tell my settlers from enemies other than entering vats, Maybe cross-hair color change

I actually just made a request for the complete opposite of this, specifically in regards to VATS. I hope we can both get our wish! :)

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  • 6 months later...

I've seen a few mods that take HUD elements away but is it currently possible to add elements or is that a job that will need to wait for the tools release?


A few things I'd like to see


- A constant onscreen indicator for current weight carried as well as maximum weight.

- The power armor targeting helmet mods red effect to something less intrusive maybe something similar to the recon mod.

- Someway to tell my settlers from enemies other than entering vats, Maybe cross-hair color change


Thanks for reading :wink:


I myself am waiting to see someone crack then. I come and go tinkering with it. Been 12yrs since i played with Flash. I had a targeting system on FNV that when you hovered over NPC's would give you indicators (red/green text) of who they were and some info. I would love to get this going in this game as well!


Right now being held back by finishing another mod that would really benefit from this!

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