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Nexus Mods now has 10 million registered members


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10 million accounts is an achievement but how many of them are actually active?


i have seen large groups of users on facebook and reddit who mock nexus due to how moderators and admins behave to users. a potential bad reputation will scare potential users away. i have seen so many people on fb complaining they got banned for reasons that are not enough to be banned when using common sense. shame some great mod projects got stopped because the author got banned for whatever reason.


thanks to skyrim nexus got really big. if one day TES6 is out hopefully we will see the same effect.

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In response to post #31033235.

SheogorathISDolan wrote: 10 million accounts is an achievement but how many of them are actually active?

i have seen large groups of users on facebook and reddit who mock nexus due to how moderators and admins behave to users. a potential bad reputation will scare potential users away. i have seen so many people on fb complaining they got banned for reasons that are not enough to be banned when using common sense. shame some great mod projects got stopped because the author got banned for whatever reason.

thanks to skyrim nexus got really big. if one day TES6 is out hopefully we will see the same effect.

From the article:
"4.2 million of those have been active on the sites in the past year"

When you see people complaining on Facebook or Reddit, try to look up their username in the Forums Rules and Warnings section. 90% of the time, what they are saying does not match the truth at all. ;)
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10 million accounts is an achievement but how many of them are actually active?


i have seen large groups of users on facebook and reddit who mock nexus due to how moderators and admins behave to users. a potential bad reputation will scare potential users away. i have seen so many people on fb complaining they got banned for reasons that are not enough to be banned when using common sense. shame some great mod projects got stopped because the author got banned for whatever reason.


thanks to skyrim nexus got really big. if one day TES6 is out hopefully we will see the same effect..2.2

4,2 millions actives users.

33,800 banned accounts of which 5,000 are users who asked for their accounts to be closed.

Bans have nothing to do with common sense but with not following the rules everybody agreed when registering.

You don't like the rule here, you don't sign in. If you've signed in, you follow them. Very simple.

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I remember a lot of thing's, and many can say congrats, many can say you make your way over here. but what many or most of it can't say or FEEL its the real Accomplishment that you made, doing that its not something easy, keeping the dream until you finally make it real that's the hard part and you Sir just made you'r dreams come true, i'll tell you a little story since you share you'r whit all of us, and i kind of know that it will be hard that you actually read this but anyway, (this kind of situations are the things that makes me see that we can get far in life) so here's mi little story for you and everyone else that's gonna read this comment, it is not a gaming story it's just a personal story to let you know that i fully understand what you feel, that feeling of achievement, success, victory or whatever you call it.


right now i'm 22 years old i have a wife and 2 kids (a little girl and a baby boy) somehow mi life is running so fast that i don't even understand how is it possible but well anyway.


at age of 15 i was in really really depress situation cause my dad pass out to a better place (he was kidnapped) a few day after that i was feeling like hell, i didn't know what to do in my life i was losing all control of my self, so at that point (cant remember the exact day) my ... lets say "mother" (don't judge read first) she suddenly told me to get out of the house, she actually kick me out.

i thought that she was confuse or something you know cause my dad died, so i was out there in the middle of the nowhere alone whit out a cellphone or something to call anyone, so at that moment i had a girlfriend that she was very very kind to me and i own her a lot (she's now my wife) and i just don't know how but she manage to find me and give shelter while i was passing through that bad moment of my life, her parents took me in (now my step fathers) and they give me food and clothes and stuff, you see after we give to the kidnappers 40 million Mexican Pesos (you can do the conversion to USD) my whole family was a little down on the money side, so my mom kick me out and i was trying to ask for a job whit my family corporation but they say yeah but you wont get any money until you learn the business and know how to actually work, so i agreed, well its taking too long, so basically i got married whit my girlfriend and i start seeing that the things start looking a little suspicious in the corporation and whit my mom, she don't even tried to speak to me, so i keep digging until i finally see that my uncles where taking advantage of my fathers dead, and they were actually eating the corporation and using all the money and destroying one of the only things that my father really took care of it (a 50 year old corporation being destroyed by his own owners) so i decide to actually do something about it, as i was lacking of money by that time the only thing that i could do was read, so i started reading a lot about administrations about how a society works in a corporation and mostly reading about law, well its getting way long now so lets make a little resume.


i fight hard, i discover that my "mom" kidnapped my dad for the money, i kick out all of my 4 uncles away of this corporation i took the charge, start administrating and the corporations its now running fine thanks to me, no to someone else, i find proof of my "mother" been the kidnapper and took it to the police and now she's paying for what she have done, she killed my father just for a few million of Pesos, she treated me like garbage she hate me, she even told me once that she dont even know why tha hell she conceive me.



but know good sir i run my own company a big one , i have a beautiful wife that she was there for me all the time, all those days that i dont even have a single Peso to eat something, now i have all thats why my good sir that i understand what it feel the accomplishment of seeing your dream come true, i have everything that i want know and better thing that i could get my own Family.


so CONRGATS i know what it FEELS to succeed on something that you really want it whit all your heart and a living proof that if we keep fighting we can get far far away in this life.


i leave a little quote.


" keep dreaming and you will see that where you are right now its only a dream cause when you wake up you will realize that all that you dreamed its not a dream its a reality "


Thanks for anyone that read this and i really don't know if you will read this but anyway CONGRATS!!!


(sorry for my bad English i'm from mexico)

Edited by ironkito
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