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Gauss Rifle Auto Charge


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Would like to see a mod that auto charges the Gauss rifle when you have it out.


I dont like wondering around holding down the right mouse button waiting for someone to pop there head out of a door. Plus my fingers tend to twitch slightly so i will end up shooting without meaning to.


I think a auto charge function for the Gauss rifle would make it much better weapon. The nice animation constantly going would be wonderful as well. Plus you should still be able to click and fire before a full charge is made.


If this is considered over powered (i dont honestly see how) could always reduce charge time by 10 - 20 % so it takes longer to charge.


Hopefully someone could make something like this. As is i just find it hard to use the thing without wasting ammo or being annoyed with holding down charges.

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Should auto-charge slowly, but charge at a fast rate if you hold the fire button, I think that'd be more interesting :thumbsup:
Auto-charge rate could be defined by which capacitor you have installed. =]

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