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Adding a more organic touch of homelyness to the items avaliable would probably make settlements actually feel more inhabited-
Things like fabrics, awnings, sheets and curtains, along with small things like pillows would really add atmosphere.
(Perhaps even slight waving in the wind, similar to trees, for some)

Even if it's all ruins and shantytown, the people are still human, and would most likely try and make/want to have it as livable as possible- filling their homes with colours in a bleak world.
There might also be instruments, which the world seems absolutely devoid of.
This, along with a slightly cleaned up floors, removing the smashed tin cans and bricks littering the indoor flooring, and generally just adding a softness of living?

Things actually created post-war, that aren't just scavenged- a straw bed with fabrics strewn across, a dreamcatcher, single stone tiles for making paths, lanterns...

Additional foundations would also be good, and being able to almost seamlessly continue actual inworld floors, as well as objects functioning as patchwork for the broken holes in walls and ceilings. (since clipping a floor up there looks a bit wonky owo; )

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