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Skabb1515 - BANNED

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Skabb1515 banned.

Reason for the ban
a) Trolling/flaming in multiple comment topics.


Skabb1515 | Today, 01:52 AM
"because why the hell not?" Never were words more obviously from a 12 year old
Skabb1515 | Today, 01:49 AM
looks like old stained foam. Fail.
Skabb1515 | Today, 01:40 AM
grow up
Skabb1515 | Today, 01:31 AM
eyesore, unnecessary
Skabb1515 | Today, 01:24 AM
pathetic, sad, and pathetic
Skabb1515 | Today, 01:21 AM
Fail. No fame for you, guess you will just have to get over yourself
Skabb1515 | 20 November 2015 - 05:43 PM
Some people are just so desperately pathetic that its sad....
Skabb1515 | 18 November 2015 - 07:02 PM
You should be ashamed.

b) Insulting another site member in a private message.


Skabb1515 said in a message entitled: "sucks to be an aberration":
it must suck you have your whole existence and identity revolve around your genitals and how you get off. Pathetic. Im glad Im normal.




Skabb1515 said


its pathetic how obviously up your own ass your head is

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Sending an insulting PM to someone definitely qualifies as "severe breach".

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