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Well, necessity is the mother of all invention and there is nothing like competition to bring out the intentions. ... whatever that means.


All those interested, I have in my possession the cyber trophy awards to be handed out to modders in this small series of competitions. A panel of secret judges hand picked from the moderators will judge the mods on a variety of levels (if I can get the mods). This is all spur of the moment, anybody is able to join (except the judges) and compete for the modding award to be announced at a later date.


First Competition. The Quest.


Competetors are to work on a mod that adds a unique storyline and quest to Morrowind. The mod should demonstrate a variety of mod skills and being pleasing to play. It should be quest invovled and be of a substantial length of at least 20 minutes of game play. Points will be rewarded for originality, game additions, game construction, and story flow to name a few. This first competition should not include A: anything from other mods, plugins or extensions outside the expansion packs published by Bethseda. Other than that all original material is allowed for inclusion in the mods including new models, sounds, textures etc. The mod size should not exceed 250 kb, including models, textures, sounds etc. Deadline for the mods is December 20.


Would all considering parties please pm me so that I might register you in the competing lists, and happy modding. :D

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sorry ... brain must of been on the fritz ... 2.5 mb I meant ... my apologies. Need to stop think in kb, or trying to.




PS: Upon completion they should be mailed to [email protected] where I will in turn send them out to the judges or you could post them here attach to a file, OR you could upload and give a link, but I prefer them sent to me. Again sorry for that size discreption.

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