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Identifying which mod causes a certain change- area in Washington...


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Identifying which mod causes a certain change- area in Washington (directly outside the doors of the Museum of History) has had it's name changed to 'liee' in the map with accented e's. This shows up on everything, from the map to the save files But

a) I can't figure out what mod causes this, because I don't know the area ref ID

b) The area itself is not listed under any FORM or REF ID listings. The inside of the Museum and the surrounding Georgetown I can find, but the area called 'The Mall' (which is what I think it should say?) have no ref ID. So I can't search it.


What can I do?

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There isn't one. I already know the mod would have to be made using a base Fallout3 copy in French language, but no mods are in French. So the only way of identifying it would be the trace the liee change and see what mod has altered it, wouldn't it?

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The Mall is a WorldSpace with editor ID DCworld09, form ID 000271c0. If you load your data directory into FO3Edit, click on the record in Fallout3.esm and see what mods are overriding it. Another technique I use sometimes is to go into the console and click on an artifact that I think belongs to the mod I'm trying to ID, the REFID gives you the load order of the mod that owns the item.

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Carl you are a genius and I shall name my first born in your honour.

Seriously that Editor ID doesn't seem to be listed anywhere and it's exactly what I needed.


Turns out an update to firelight fixes is uploaded as English but its configs are Russian of all things (not French).


Good show.

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