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Eye change by spell


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I was wondering how to make a charachter's eyes change when they cast a spell (by a script). I'm making a race that has special powers, but these change the eyes when used then back again when the effect wears off. If this is possible (I think it is) how do you do it as I am not a good scripter.


For those who might care the race is based off of the Claymore anime :)



Oh, is it possible to make a scripted spell that speeds up weapons while active?

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I was wondering how to make a charachter's eyes change when they cast a spell (by a script). I'm making a race that has special powers, but these change the eyes when used then back again when the effect wears off. If this is possible (I think it is) how do you do it as I am not a good scripter.


For those who might care the race is based off of the Claymore anime :)



Oh, is it possible to make a scripted spell that speeds up weapons while active?



I'm not sure how you would but I'll say this damn good idea. You would most likely have to reference those textures. What might be better is to try and create duplicates with another name, or new ones all together. Then you could set up a boolean statement for each.

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OK, I've made a new eye, but I'm not sure what command to use to switch the eyes. I've looked at the vampire scripts I could find, but none of the ones I found had an eye change code.


And if any can figure out if you can make a script to change the characters weaponspeed, that would be wonderful.

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Scorn's Vampirism has an eye changer, but that might be a specific vampirism code, ex. Vampires use these eyes.

With Scorn's you can turn the appearance on and off, see.

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